Nashville Police wake up homeless man sleeping under a tree to arrest him — David Moore

Metro Nashville Police woke up 32-year-old David Moore as he slept under a tree in the parking lot of 1419 Clinton Street just before midnight on February 14. A ‘concerned citizen’ called 911 to report them, and officers responded to check on his welfare. Officer Christopher Cantrell woke up Moore, who stated he was fine and didn’t need any assistance or medical attention. The officer says he smelled of alcohol and marijuana and told him he was under arrest due to being too intoxicated in public. The officer seized three marijuana joints totaling 1.5 grams. Moore began to scream the police were “robbers” and called them a few choice names. After sitting in jail for a few hours, the DA declined to prosecute the case.

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Petty Vanderbilt Police charge George Woods with marijuana possession in parking lot

Sgt Orlando Dixson of the Vanderbilt University Police Department charged 22-year-old George Woods IV with marijuana possession on January 20. Dixson says he approached an illegally parked vehicle in a Vanderbilt University parking lot and noticed the seats were laid all the way back. Two small bags of marijuana were in plain view, and the driver, Woods, admitted it was his marijuana for personal use. Woods was booked on the citation this week.

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Nashville Police charge Brendan Stevens for 15 grams of marijuana during a traffic stop

23-year-old Nashville musician Brendan Stevens was charged with possessing 2 grams of marijuana in downtown Nashville after Field Training Officer Trevor Taylor observed him driving a white Chevy Cruz without headlines at 11:18 p.m. on Black Friday. During the traffic stop, the officer says he smelled marijuana, and when asked, Brendan stated he had “around 2 grams” in the vehicle. A search of the vehicle discovered a sandwich bag with 15.4 grams of marijuana inside. Stevens was issued a state citation and was booked on the charge this week.

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DUI: Justin Record flips car after leaving bar; police find white powdery substance

After 34-year-old Justin William Record crashed his vehicle on Charlotte Pike at 2 a.m. Wednesday, and overturned his car into a small group of trees, he told police he had been rear-ended by another car that caused him to flip his vehicle. His girlfriend, who was traveling in a vehicle behind him, states Justing “just went off the road.” He admitted to consuming two shots and two to three beers at Copa Cabana Bar & Grill, a bar directly across the street, just before driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and, once at booking, was found to have two small baggies with traces amounts of a white powdery substance. Deputies also located a twenty dollar bill with the same white powdery substance.

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Predators executive Jason Oxford found slumped over wheel after “two beers” at hockey game

48-year-old Jason Raymond Oxford was sitting at a traffic light at a Rivergate intersection and nodded off while parked in the lane. The car behind him was a Goodlettsville Police Officer, who pulled alongside Oxford to check on him after he sat through two light cycles. He observed Oxford slumped over the wheel asleep. Another officer arrived, and they blocked the vehicle from the front and back and then woke Oxford. He stated he had “two beers” at the Nashville Predators Hockey game, and officers confirmed he reeked of alcohol. On the floorboard, officers also located a pill bottle with marijuana inside. Oxford is the Director of Corporate Development for the Nashville Predators.

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Troinesha Henderson says boyfriend, Famous Kass, brought another woman home… told her to leave

20-year-old Troinesha Henderson says her boyfriend, Nashville rapper Famous Kass (aka Jaylin Patton), brought another girl to their home late Thursday night and told Troinesha she needed to leave. She stayed downstairs after Jaylin went upstairs with the unnamed female. Troinesha was packing her belongings the following morning when she began arguing with Jaylin as he came downstairs to get food. She says she was holding a machete “for self-defense” purposes and began swinging it at Jaylin, leaving some cuts and scratches on him. Jaylin took the blade from her and stored it atop the kitchen cabinets, and placed her outside of the front door, along with all of her belongings, before locking the door. Troinesha called 911, but was also determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken to jail. 

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DUI: Lisa Choate crashes into parked cars, flips Hyundai Elantra upside down after drinking & smoking

Police say 60-year-old Lisa Choate crashed her Hyundai Elentra into two parked vehicles before flipping it entirely upside down in the middle of Morrow Road on December 4th. She was unable to explain how the crash occurred but did admit to drinking two 100 ml 99-proof Long Island Tea bottles and smoking marijuana prior to driving. Officer located multiple empty bottles inside her purse and outside the car. During a search, officers also located marijuana inside three plastic bags, a plastic container, and in a metal pipe. Choate would later blow a 0.159% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Xavier Rolle issued citations for cocaine & prohibited gun possession in Nashville

22-year-old Xavier Rolle was issued a state citation for cocaine possession and carrying a prohibited weapon after police conducted a traffic stop on his vehicle in late October when they observed expired plates on his vehicle, which was traveling at a high rate of speed. During the traffic stop, Rolle advised officers he had a gun in the vehicle, that it belonged to him, and it was under the back seat passenger’s legs. Officers retrieved the gun, which was a short-barrel shotgun — a prohibited weapon in Tennessee. During a pat down search, a grinder was discovered, which had multiple small baggies of white powder inside that tested positive for cocaine. Rolle was booked on the citations this week and has retained Bobby Ballinger as counsel.

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Franklin Boykins charged with stolen gun & marijuana after BNA traffic stop

Nashville Airport Police say they observed a tan Plymouth Neon traveling at a high rate of speed with window tint darker than Tennessee law allows. A traffic stop was initiated on the vehicle driven by Hakeem Turnipseed, which revealed 19-year-old Frankin “Big Frank” Boykins was in the passenger seat. Both of the men had identification from the state of Mississippi. Turnipseed told officers he had to urinate, and that was the reason for the high speed. Officers reportedly smelled marijuana, and Boykins handed over a blunt and stated he had a backpack with more marijuana inside. A search of the car and Boykins’s backpack revealed a stolen handgun and 1 oz of marijuana.

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Newton ‘NJ’ Ford calls concierge a b*tch, and a bystander a ‘midget’ during Skyhouse confrontation

Police say 36-year-old Newton ‘NJ’ Ford attempted to get into the SkyHouse apartments tower when the concierge stopped him as he was not a resident had didn’t have any authorization to be there. This resulted in Ford hurling obscenities at the concierge, such as “b**ch,” and stating he would spit in her face if it weren’t illegal. While police were there, Ford had reentered the lobby with a resident and continued where he left off with the verbal assault on the concierge. A bystander in the lobby, David Malinosky, had identified Ford, to which he replied “I’ll fight you, midget!” — Officers noted Ford was only three inches taller than the bystander. He then pumped out his chest in a laughable attempt to intimidate the bystander. He was also in possession of 4 grams of marijuana at the time of his arrest.

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MNPD interrupts William Jackson having sex in his car to search it, finds 1 gram weed & gun

22-year-old William Jackson was booked this week on two outstanding warrants from 2020, charging him with possession of marijuana and a handgun after Officer Sara Lober caught him with his pants down and engaged in sex with a woman in a car in a North Nashville apartment complex parking lot. Officer Lober interrupted the festivities and searched his vehicle, locating a .45 Taurus Judge and 1 gram of marijuana. She issued him citations on each charge, and he never showed up for booking.

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Bar patrons clap & celebrate as police remove Jeff Serra from Margaritaville Hotel in downtown Nashville

Staff at the Margaritaville Hotel in downtown Nashville say 43-year-old Jeffrey Serra was extremely intoxicated and causing a disturbance, so he was asked to leave. He closed out his tab but refused to leave the property, stating he had an issue with the amount he had just paid. Metro Nashville Police arrived to find him extremely intoxicated and still arguing about the tab. He was asked to step outside and discuss the matter with them, but he refused and became more belligerent and escalated to screams and shouts, disrupting other patrons. As police exported him from the property, the entire bar clapped during his departure. A search incident to arrest revealed a rolled marijuana blunt in a cigarette pack and 5 Oxycodone pills that were not in a bottle that was prescribed to him.

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Bellevue man rips dress off girlfriend, threatens to kill her, on his birthday — Byron Baisy

Byron Baisy was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Tuesday, his 35th birthday, after he and his girlfriend, Tiffany Mayfield, had reportedly argued all morning long. His girlfriend says the argument escalated when it wasn’t going his way, and he pushed her onto the bed, held her down, ripped off her dress, and treated to kill her. Police documented injuries on the victim when they responded to the Bellevue residence and took Daisy into custody.

After Baisy was in custody, officers asked if he had anything on him they should be aware of, and he disclosed there was “weed” in his pocket. Officers retrieved 27.3 grams of marijuana. Byron Baisy is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury and drug possession. He is free on a $1,000 bond.

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