Nashville’s “Croptop Bartender” Porn Star charged with pulling fire alarms in East Nashville: Akia Siniard

Play Dance Bar made him famous, and 27-year-old Akia Dante Siniard gained thousands of fans on social media and amateur porn sites from the exposure. He’s known as the “Croptop Bartender” or the “Croptop Bottom”. However, his need to pull fire alarms keeps him in trouble, as he’s arrested once again for pulling fire alarms in buildings in Nashville. During the last arrest, he told police he “thought he was in a movie” when it happened.

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Drunk man jumps from roof of Nashville gay bar, goes on rampage against parked cars

25-year-old Tyler Anderson is charged with public intoxication and vandalism after police say he lost his shirt and scaled a fence at Play Dance Bar. When he reached the roof of the club, he jumped onto the pavement below, and took his drunken rage out on at least 5 vehicles, knocking off mirrors and vandalizing them.

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