Nashville Police wake up homeless man sleeping under a tree to arrest him — David Moore

Metro Nashville Police woke up 32-year-old David Moore as he slept under a tree in the parking lot of 1419 Clinton Street just before midnight on February 14. A ‘concerned citizen’ called 911 to report them, and officers responded to check on his welfare. Officer Christopher Cantrell woke up Moore, who stated he was fine and didn’t need any assistance or medical attention. The officer says he smelled of alcohol and marijuana and told him he was under arrest due to being too intoxicated in public. The officer seized three marijuana joints totaling 1.5 grams. Moore began to scream the police were “robbers” and called them a few choice names. After sitting in jail for a few hours, the DA declined to prosecute the case.

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Petty Vanderbilt Police charge George Woods with marijuana possession in parking lot

Sgt Orlando Dixson of the Vanderbilt University Police Department charged 22-year-old George Woods IV with marijuana possession on January 20. Dixson says he approached an illegally parked vehicle in a Vanderbilt University parking lot and noticed the seats were laid all the way back. Two small bags of marijuana were in plain view, and the driver, Woods, admitted it was his marijuana for personal use. Woods was booked on the citation this week.

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Nashville Police charge Brendan Stevens for 15 grams of marijuana during a traffic stop

23-year-old Nashville musician Brendan Stevens was charged with possessing 2 grams of marijuana in downtown Nashville after Field Training Officer Trevor Taylor observed him driving a white Chevy Cruz without headlines at 11:18 p.m. on Black Friday. During the traffic stop, the officer says he smelled marijuana, and when asked, Brendan stated he had “around 2 grams” in the vehicle. A search of the vehicle discovered a sandwich bag with 15.4 grams of marijuana inside. Stevens was issued a state citation and was booked on the charge this week.

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VIDEO: MNPD Detective decommissioned after assaulting a homeless man on a public street

The Metro Nashville Police Department has decommissioned Detective William Thorowgood after he assaulted a homeless man on a public roadway outside his home, who he claimed was littering. He attacks the man, knocking him to the ground and placing a knee on his chest while telling him he’s detained and he would be in cuffs if he had them with him. Thorowgood, who has been with the department for ten years and served as a Fraud Detective, reported the incident to his supervisor on Monday, December 12, and was decommissioned the same day. After the assault in the video [full 17 minutes included in the story], Thorowgood calls 911 and reports the homeless man is armed and advancing toward him, both of which the video shows to be untrue. This is a developing story.

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Tara Hensley charged with felony burglary in $5 Walmart theft — receives matching $5 bond from a magistrate

31-year-old Tara Hensley walked into the Walmart on Dickerson Pike on September 2nd and chose an item valued at $5.00 and removed it from the shelf. She then walked out the door without paying for the item and fled the scene. She was identified by loss prevention and Metro Nashville Police. She is charged with misdemeanor theft and felony burglary due to a supposed prior shoplifting incident for which she was reportedly trespassed from Walmart. Her bond was set at $5 on the felony burglar charge, and she was ROR’d on the theft version of the charge.

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Man chases neighbor with traffic cone, throws game controller at cop — Kevin Sullivan

MNPD Officer Gregory Scott charged 30-year-old Kevin Sullivan with assault of an officer when he says Sullivan threw a video game controller at him during a mental health crisis, and while it did not hit him, he states he was “in fear of being hurt by the object”. Sullivan was also charged with vandalism after breaking a neighbor’s windshield with a piece of furniture, and another assault charge when he threatened to shoot the same neighbor, who says he was in fear he would follow through with the threat. Sullivan remains jailed in lieu of a $2,500 bond.

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Another football fan arrested for being too intoxicated at Titans’ game – Taylor Denney

MNPD Officer Megan Arnett made a second arrest of an intoxicated person at the Titans’ game Sunday… 31-year-old Taylor Denney was reportedly causing a scene inside the stadium, having trouble standing on his own, and refused to leave on his own, so she took him into custody and charged him with #PublicIntoxication. Denney was also flagged to serve the full eight-hour hold before being released.

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MNPD says tourist slapped her fiance; He says she was smacking a fly — Mary Hatley arrested

MNPD Officer James Thornton was driving downtown when he says he says he had to stop his patrol car and make an immediate arrest after he says he observed a 21-year-old tourist Mary Hatley hit her fiance in the face with an open hand. The victim, Shane Cole, had no injuries, did not make a complaint, did not want to press charges, and says the officer misunderstood what he believed he observed, and his fiance was simply “smacking flies from his face”. Hatley posted a $1,000 cash bond after the state-mandated 12-hour domestic violence hold.

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Police say man was emotional and “conversing with a tree” prior to arrest by petty cop

Goodlettsville Police charged 31-year-old Zackary Ryan Phillips with public intoxication after finding him “conversing with a tree” and “becoming very emotional” during said conversation. Phillips admitted to taking Suboxone earlier in the evening. Officer Herendeen then became petty, causing an $1,100 bond to become over $11,000 after he missed something during his search of the man who was unable to even remain conscious during interactions.

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Nashville Cop goes PETTY on PEDESTRIAN for laughing at him. Grabs, pulls him to car by force. #Jaywalking

Metro Nashville Police Officer Donald Ray Davidson was on whistle duty Thursday night, when he blew his whistle at a downtown pedestrian who ignored him and crossed the empty street, laughing at the officer. The cop then grabs the man’s backpack strap, pulls him back to the patrol car, where he and 2 other offices used force to handcuff him for ‘refusal to comply with an order’. DA says not so fast, dismisses everything immediately at court.

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MNPD arrests man for 0.5 gram ‘partial joint’ found in vehicle after observing ‘significant smoke’

#MNPD Officer Blake Lutz (who once claimed to smell factory sealed THC Gummy Bears from outside a vehicle) has done it again. On Thursday, he physically arrested a 24-year-old for possession of a 0.5 gram partially smoked joint, after seeing ‘significant smoke’ coming from the parked vehicle. Caleb Brown remains jailed, unable to post his $2,000 bond.

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