Man charged with threatening ex-girlfriend after she reported his crimes to police — Diante Wilkes

28-year-old Diante Wilkes is charged with breaking into his ex-girlfriend’s car and taking her speakers. Once he learned she had reported the incident and warrants had been issued for his arrest he reportedly began to text his ex, Jessica Carter, and make threats of physical violence if she didn’t “cancel the warrants”.

In addition to the open warrants for theft and auto burglary, Wilkes was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail earlier this week, also charged with coercion of a witness. He remains jailed in lieu of a $7,500 bond.

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DUI: woman ‘sleeps it off’ behind wheel of running vehicle overnight, still blows 0.087 the next morning — Lindsey Dixon

34-year-old Lindsey Dixon was charged with DUI Friday morning after officers found her slumped over the wheel of a running vehicle on Music Circle East. Initially concerned she may be in need of medical attention, officers stopped to check on her, at which time she began telling officers the story of why she was parked in this location, which they noted she “was rambling and talking in circles, but did manage to tell officers she had been drinking the night before”. She eventually blew a 0.087 BAC, even after having been asleep behind the wheel of the running car for a few hours. Dixon was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail and is free on pre-trial release.

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