Woman charged with shoving man to ground after he confronted her about illegal handicap parking — Barquita Williams

38-year-old Barquita Williams is charged with assault after she pushed a man to the ground who confronted her when she illegally parked in a handicapped parking spot at the Inglewood Kroger. Video footage captured the incident, and a citizen captured her license plate number, leading police to make the arrest. She is free on pre-trial release. Earlier in the month, Williams brought a handgun to an East Nashville High School where she got into a fight on campus.

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Briley Administration threatens general fund; says parking privatization already baked into budget

During the meeting, an assistant finance director confirmed that the parking company’s upfront payment is necessary for this year’s Metro budget numbers to work and threatened to pull an equal amount of money out of the general fund if this privatization deal is not completed. 

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Details: Mayor Briley’s plan to outsource parking spaces & permits to a private company for $30 mil upfront

DETAILS: Mayor David Briley reveals plan to turn over management of Nashville’s parking spaces to a private company for $30 cash million up front, increase fines by 227%, extend enforcement times to 10 p.m., add Sunday enforcement, increase meter rates, and eliminate free parking for clean energy vehicles.

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MNPD Tickets Legally Parked Vehicles by Mistake #Oops

On Tuesday, MNPD motorcycle officers ticketed dozens of cars in one neighborhood – that were legally parked. The department has said those tickets will be invalidated and citizens may ignore them.

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