Dominic Lambert arrested 3 times in 2 days after stalking woman who turned him down

32-year-old Dominic Eugene Lambert has now been arrested three times within 48 hours. We first covered him earlier this week when he continued to call, text, and harass Morgan Heath-Powers, who has an active order of protection against Lambert. The order of protection was granted after hundreds of calls, texts, and emails when he expressed a romantic interest in her, and she advised him she did not feel the same way.

After he posted a $2,000 bond on the initial arrest, he emailed her several more times, one of which talked about his new arrest and jail experience, “Thanks for that! I made new friends, had a new experience, got free food, and entertainment… it was pretty nice! I still adore you just as I have since I first met you and told Rohan I thought I might marry you.” He was then taken into custody for once again violating the order of protection and released on a new $3,500 bond.

While he was jailed this second time for violating the no-contact order, he used the recorded jail phone to call her five more times. Once that report was processed, a new warrant was issued for his arrest, charging him with aggravated stalking. He was arrested for the 3rd time late Wednesday afternoon on the felony charge and released on a new $10,000 bond.

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Stephanie Hiscock refuses to leave ex-girlfriend’s house, despite order of protection

39-year-old Stephanie Hiscock was at her ex-girlfriend’s house on December 4th when deputies served her with an order of protection filed by her girlfriend, Jennifer Roehl. Officers advised her she would have to leave the property or she would be in violation of the order. She was allowed multiple opportunities to leave the property but refused to do so. She was given a final warning to leave or be arrested, and she refused. Hiscock was taken into custody and charged with violating an active order of protection.

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Terrance Hudson charged in assault of girlfriend after turning off her shower “to talk”

30-year-old Terrance Hudson is charged with the aggravated domestic assault/strangulation of his current girlfriend, Antwyneque Golliday. Police responded to their shared apartment on November 12th after the victim reported she was in the shower as Mr. Hudson repeatedly turned the water off in an attempt “to talk.” The victim exited the shower and attempted to get dressed when she says he shoved her and pushed her against the bathroom wall, and continued to argue. She says she broke free of his grip and attempted to get dressed in her bedroom when he followed her into the closet and strangled her with both hands. She escaped that assault and later laid down on the bed to rest when she says Hudson again got on top of her and strangled her.

She then fled the apartment with him giving chase to her, and when he caught up with her, she says he punched her in the face and the back of her head. As she was able to call 911, Hudson returned to the apartment. At the time of his arrest, Hudson had an outstanding warrant from March, which alleges he “destroyed a phone with his fist” while violating an order of protection at the home of the mother of his child.

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Woman says Alex Zavolta aggressively growled at her during kitchen assault

Sara Jarvis says she was making lunch for her nephew in the kitchen of the home she shares with other family members when her sister’s part-time boyfriend, 34-year-old Alex Zavolta, walked into the kitchen and grabbed her by the wrist, and spun her around before pushing her shoulders. She says that Zavolta, who also lives at the residence with the family, was acting very aggressively and growled at her during the assault. The victim had several finger-shaped bruises that appeared on the day after the incident.

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Man charged for posting nude photo of ex-girlfriend on social media

Metro Police say Michael Hague published a post on Facebook which contained his ex girlfriend’s face beside an image of her naked from the rear, and added text containing her name, address, where she worked, and the additional text of: “She sucks good d–k”.

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