Dominic Lambert arrested 3 times in 2 days after stalking woman who turned him down

32-year-old Dominic Eugene Lambert has now been arrested three times within 48 hours. We first covered him earlier this week when he continued to call, text, and harass Morgan Heath-Powers, who has an active order of protection against Lambert. The order of protection was granted after hundreds of calls, texts, and emails when he expressed a romantic interest in her, and she advised him she did not feel the same way.

After he posted a $2,000 bond on the initial arrest, he emailed her several more times, one of which talked about his new arrest and jail experience, “Thanks for that! I made new friends, had a new experience, got free food, and entertainment… it was pretty nice! I still adore you just as I have since I first met you and told Rohan I thought I might marry you.” He was then taken into custody for once again violating the order of protection and released on a new $3,500 bond.

While he was jailed this second time for violating the no-contact order, he used the recorded jail phone to call her five more times. Once that report was processed, a new warrant was issued for his arrest, charging him with aggravated stalking. He was arrested for the 3rd time late Wednesday afternoon on the felony charge and released on a new $10,000 bond.

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Stephanie Hiscock refuses to leave ex-girlfriend’s house, despite order of protection

39-year-old Stephanie Hiscock was at her ex-girlfriend’s house on December 4th when deputies served her with an order of protection filed by her girlfriend, Jennifer Roehl. Officers advised her she would have to leave the property or she would be in violation of the order. She was allowed multiple opportunities to leave the property but refused to do so. She was given a final warning to leave or be arrested, and she refused. Hiscock was taken into custody and charged with violating an active order of protection.

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Candis Carroll charged with posting revenge porn of ex-lover Matt Williams on social media

Matt Williams of Essex Development contacted police to report his ex-girlfriend, 38-year-old Candis Carroll, was posting links to her iCloud account in social media comments, which led directly to his nude photographs, including both his member and his face together in some of the photos. She had already been served with an order of protection, which prohibited such activity. When confronted by police, Carroll admitted to posting the content. She was taken into custody on this charge and for an outstanding warrant charging her with criminal contempt.

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Quantavius Brown pulls Draco after argument & posts revenge porn of ex-girlfriend on social media

Metro Nashville Police say 25-year-old Quantavius Brown grabbed a Draco and held it in his hand as he stated his ex-girlfriend, De’Aushanai Smith, “needed to leave and would do whatever it takes” after the two argued on September 22nd. An order of protection was served on him later that day, but he was not deterred. The following day, Smith unsuccessfully attempted to reach out to her on Instagram and via phone to persuade her not to testify against him. Hours later, she began receiving messages from friends and family that Brown had posted multiple videos on social media platforms of them having sex, one of which she wasn’t even aware she was being recorded.

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Woman says Alex Zavolta aggressively growled at her during kitchen assault

Sara Jarvis says she was making lunch for her nephew in the kitchen of the home she shares with other family members when her sister’s part-time boyfriend, 34-year-old Alex Zavolta, walked into the kitchen and grabbed her by the wrist, and spun her around before pushing her shoulders. She says that Zavolta, who also lives at the residence with the family, was acting very aggressively and growled at her during the assault. The victim had several finger-shaped bruises that appeared on the day after the incident.

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Anthony Agnew breaks into ex’s apartment, sits beside her until she wakes up

Police say 32-year-old Anthony Agnew came to an empty apartment on the 4th floor beside his ex-girlfriend’s apartment and broke into that unit so that he could crawl out the window to access the balcony of the next-door apartment of his ex-girlfriend, Lauren Davis. He then reportedly entered her residence while she was sleeping. She says she woke up with her sitting next to her with his hand on her hip. She was in extreme fear he would assault her and explained she needed to leave for work. He was upset that she had changed her number and agreed to leave after she gave him her current Snapchat as a way to communicate. As he left, she contacted police who located him at a nearby truck stop and arrested him for this burglary and two other outstanding warrants for violating orders of protection.

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Ari Shukri jailed after sending ex-wife harassing text messages

Nazdar Taher says her ex-husband, 23-year-old Ari Shukri, continues to harass her via text messages despite bond conditions from an order of protection violation which state he isn’t to have any contact with her. On June 24th he sent over ten consecutive messages each of which called her derogatory names such as “h*e” and “sl-t” causing her to be in fear and in emotional distress.

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60-year-old Neva Mosley charged after making 150+ phone calls to harass ex-lover

60-year-old Neva Jean Mosley was jailed this week, charged with two counts of harassment of her ex-boyfriend, James Maurice Collins. Collins first called Metro Nashville police on May 23rd when Mosely showed up and refused to leave his house after he blocked her repeated calls throughout the day. In addition to the 43 calls from her number, he had an additional 66 missed calls from a ‘private’ number. He initially didn’t want to prosecute her for any crime, just to be left alone. She fled before police arrived on the 23rd, but once they were there she called from another blocked number, at which time the officer told her if she called again, it would be considered harassment. She called back three more times directly after that conversation. She called 12 more times on the 24th, 31 times on the 25th, and left a voicemail on the 25th, stating she was standing outside his home and “just saw the babies”.

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67-year-old Vivian Crawford points unloaded weapon at ex-lover, pulls trigger repeatedly

67-year-old Vivian Crawford continues to constantly violate orders of protection, bond conditions, and no-contact orders issued by the Court. In her 2nd arrest this week, she continues to not understand her ex-boyfriend, Tony Smith, just isn’t into her and continues to appear at his home. Most recently she showed up just before midnight pounding on his door, and when he opened it, she pointed a pistol at him, threatened to kill him, and pulled the trigger on the unloaded weapon. She returned again just before 1 a.m. and repeated the same actions, repeated pulling the trigger while pointing the unloaded gun at him.

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Lindsay-Ray Millard charged after assaulting husband at an intersection while he was driving

Jonathon Ballard was driving himself and his wife, 34-year-old Lindsay-Ray Christine Millard, home after being out at multiple bars on April 20th, when he says she “lashed out” after being triggered by an event from earlier in the night and violently attacked him at an intersection. Polie documented injuries to include multiple cuts and dried blood on the victim. The investigation also revealed she had an outstanding warrant for violating an active order of protection from sending him an email in February after being served.

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Omarion Wright charged after busting windshield of boyfriend’s car while he was seeking an order of protection

19-year-old Omarion Wright and his boyfriend, Isaiah McDaniel, who have made prior Scoop: Nashville appearances for their relationship antics, had a domestic disturbance in March, which resulted in Isaiah going downtown to seek an order of protection. While he was seeking assistance with that endeavor, Omarian reportedly came to his home and smashed the windshield of his vehicle, which was observed by multiple witnesses. There was a female that accompanied Omarion to the location and also participated in the vandalism. Wright reportedly used a car mirror tied to a rope to vandalize the windshield. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked on that warrant this week.

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Haven Birth & Wellness staffer Haley Krull charged with violating order of protection, victim says she’s being stalked

28-year-old Haley Krull is charged with violating an order of protection after the victim, Katherine Herman, says she received either text messages from Krull asking “Do I have to leave” while she was reportedly immediately outside the victim’s residence. The order of protection (included in the story) states that Krull, who works at Haven Birth and Wellness, has repeatedly violated HIPAA as a healthcare provider and stalked the victim via text message threats, showing up at the victim’s church and sitting behind her, and reminding her that “someone is always watching”.

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Antioch man charged with kidnapping of wife and assault of ex-lover — James Kennedy

28-year-old James Kennedy, AKA “Busta Buss Checkmate” is free on a $32,500 bond after police say he would not let his wife, Takarria Kennedy, leave their home and assaulted her when she attempted to leave the residence anyways. He grabbed her and tossed her against a wall. One of her female friends, Amaya Forrest, who is also a former lover of the husband, was visiting her at the time, and when she confronted James Kennedy about the assault of his wife and said she was going to call her brother, he pulled up his shirt exposing a handgun in his waistband, then grabbed her and attempted to push her down a set of stairs. As Forrest left the residence, the wife attempted to follow her and physically kept her from leaving for a substantial period of time.

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Man charged with assault of girlfriend when accused of stealing money — Montevaius Finch

Montevaius Finch (aka Trapboy Woochie) was jailed this week, charged with aggravated assault, and violating an order of protection. Police say his girlfriend, Shataun Wilson called 911 stating “please come” before disconnecting the call. She had accused Finch of taking money that was missing from her bedroom. She says he then pushed her down and got on top of her and assaulted her. Police documented her injuries and discovered there was already an order of protection against Finch out of Dickson County from the victim.

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“The Nashville Cowboy” charged with felony assault of woman — Benjamin Colby Barrett

While locals may be oblivious, #VisitMusicCity tourists to Nashville have a longstanding #FindTheCowboy game in which they attempted to find a particular ‘cowboy’ who has been the center of sexy calendars, thousands of tourist photos, and is more locally known as the doorman at Layla’s in downtown Nashville. That cowboy is 46-year-old Benjamin Colby Barrett, and he was arrested in Nashville Friday night, charged with the felony aggravated assault of a former lover who has an active order of protection against him.

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Wife bites husband after trapping him in bedroom, demanding to ‘TALK NOW!’ — Jamie Davis-Jones arrested

29-year-old Jamie Davis-Jones was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Tuesday on an outstanding warrant from November, charging her with domestic assault. According to an arrest warrant and a witness statement, her husband was attempting to get some rest before work, however, she demanded they have a conversation now, so she could reportedly accuse him of cheating. As he walked to the bedroom to get some rest, she followed him and trapped him inside. When attempted to nudge back past her, she latched onto him, leaving a visible bite injury to his bicep area. She is free on a $2,000 bond.

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Woman charged with violating an order of protection — Morgan Mejia Heath

25-year-old Morgan Mejia (Heath) is charged with violating an active order of protection when she showed up at the home of the person with an order of protection against her. She is jailed on a $1,500 bond.

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Woman charged with harassing the very man she filed a restraining order against: Katelyn Gallagher

An arrest warrant alleges 22-year-old Katelyn Gallagher has been harassing the same man she took out an order of protection against by calling him, sending Instagram messages, and coming to Vibes Bar & Lounge looking for him.

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West Nashville: Woman charged with stalking of ex-boyfriend, continues to appear inside his home uninvited

32-year-old Amber Dawn Dills faces charges of stalking, assault, and vandalism after she continues to show up at her ex-boyfriends home, twice in the same day, letting herself inside, making threats, assaulting him, and damaging his vehicle. She fled before police arrived the first time, and the second time she attempted to unsuccessfully hide under a truck.

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Former Titan sent hundreds of texts & calls to ex-girlfriend, bit her nose, smashed windshield with rock, broke iPhone

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Tennessee Titan Antonio Tramaine Andrews is alleged to have bitten the nose of his ex-girlfriend, smashed her windshield, sent hundreds of unwanted calls and texts, and then called Scoop: Nashville to talk about it, exclusively. We have the recording of his explanation of events, as well as a detailed timeline of events.

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