Nashville Sheriff’s Officer found blacked out drunk in running car with handgun

Officer Hector Miguel Barragan, of the Nashville Sheriff’s Department, was found ‘asleep’ in North Nashville, blocking a driveway with this car, his door wide open, and his department issued handgun on the floor board, while heavily intoxicated, per MNPD.

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What’s in the car? Whiskey, Body Armor, a 20-gauge shotgun, and 150 rounds.

35-year-old Derek Ferrell was stopped by Nashville International Airport Police on April 9th at approximately 5:30 p.m., after he was observed driving erratically in an older model white Ford sedan. Inside the vehicle, police would find an open bottle of Kentucky Deluxe Whiskey, a 20-gauge shotgun, 150 rounds of ammo, and drug paraphernalia.

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Man tells MNPD he’s “fucking hammered” when found passed out in car at Shwab Elementary School

MNPD Officers found 35-year-old Matthew Johnson passed out across both front seats of his running vehicle, parked at a local elementary school. Johnson told officers “I’m fucking hammered”.
He was charged with DUI, Implied Consent, disorderly conduct, open container, assault of a police officer and resisting arrest. He is now free on pre-trial release.

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