Tourist can’t pay the tab after friends leave him at downtown Nashville bar — Brandon Willard

27-year-old Brandon Willard, of North Carolina, was unable to pay his $496.00 tab at a downtown Nashville bar. The bartender says he continued to order drinks for himself and his friends on his tab, and then his friends left the bar. At closing time, he attempted to leave the bar without paying and stated he had no way to pay for the final tab when questioned by police. He was issued a citation for theft of services and was booked on that citation this week.

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Drunken tourist charged with vandalizing downtown hotel lobby — Adolfo Monge

27-year-old tourist Adolfo Monge, from Atlanta, is free on pre-trial release after police say he came into the Comfort Inn on Demonbreun, initially asking to charge his phone. After a confrontation between him and the front desk clerk, he ripped the credit card machine from the front desk and tossed it across the lobby, stating “Make my Day! Do you want to fight me?”.

He would eventually leave, then return to stare at the clerk, who called police a second time. He was finally taken into custody and charged with vandalism.

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Pulaski man charged with brutal assault of girlfriend in downtown hotel $25K bond — Harry Brandon Russell

32-year-old Harry Brandon Russell, of Pulaski, is charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation after police say grabbed his girlfriend, Shelbey Ebersole, inside a room of the downtown Holiday Inn Express in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day. The victim’s brother eventually had to pull Russell off of her after he slammed her into the wall of a bathroom and used both his hands to strangle her until she was unable to breathe and could no longer call for help.

The argument reportedly started after he felt she came back to the room late and wasn’t answering her phone. Russell is free on a $25,000 bond.

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Man so drunk he continues to drive damaged vehicle after crash — Elijah Gang #WhiteBoyWasted

26-year-old Elijah Gang was driving around in a recently crashed vehicle when he drove right into an area which police were preparing for the NYE event in downtown Nashville. An officer approached him to make sure he was ok, and that he realized how damaged his vehicle was. The front-end had heavy damage and the left front tire was completely flat. Gang reeked of alcohol and refused to answer most questions.

Inside the Toyota Rav4 was an open Miller High Life beer can and multiple cans of Sierra Nevada Hazy Little Things. Gang was charged with DUI, violation of the implied consent law, and open containers. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, just a few blocks away, and is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Jessica Bruton says she “failed at being the designated driver” after “too many shots” at Jazzy Sensation

24-year-old Jessica Bruton said she was supposed to be the designated driver on NYE, however, she told police she “failed” that job after “taking too many shots”. She crashed her car just before 7 a.m., stating she had recently left Jazzy/Sensation and had driven her friends home.

Bruton admitted to smoking marijuana and taking multiple shots of tequila. She said that earlier she was a 10/10 on the intoxication scale. She was charged with DUI and transported to booking.

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