Victoria Craig charged in DUI crash with open bottle of wine & marijuana in car

21-year-old Victoria Craig was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Sunday morning after police observed her crash her vehicle onBrick Church Pike. Craig was driving, with Allison Reese in the passenger seat. They ran a red light and struck a vehicle driven by Karl Batson. All three were transported for medical evaluation and treatment of minor injuries. While inventorying Craig’s car for towing, officers located a half-empty bottle of White Zinfandel in the driver’s cupholder, a bottle of Cosmopolitan Effen Vodka in the passenger side floorboard, and a bag of marijuana in the other cupholder. During an interview, Craig admitted to drinking shots and smoking marijuana prior to driving.

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Titans fan brandishes gun when Dolphins fans attack car outside Nissan Stadium — Austin Morris arrested

Metro Nashville Police say Miami Dolphins fans were hitting and kicking a Nissan Altima and taunting the four Titans fans inside the vehicle just before 3 p.m. Sunday outside Nissan Stadium. That’s when 27-year-old Austin Morris emerged from the passenger seat of the vehicle and brandished a black handgun at the individuals in the Dolphins jerseys.

Morris remained in the middle of the street and appeared heavily intoxicated. Officers additionally located an open bottle of liquor where he had been sitting, and he admitted to having several drinks during the game. Morris was charged with possession of a weapon under the influence and transported to booking.

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