Kristopher Davis — believed he was in Grand Theft Auto… but ended up in jail

20-year-old Kristopher Davis faces a litany of charges after a high-speed chase Saturday night in a black Dodge Charger stolen from Miracle Chrysler. Officers first identified the stolen vehicle on Dickerson Pike with Air One locking in their target from above. The vehicle gave chase onto the interstate, where it completely blacked out as it sped away with a marked patrol unit behind it. It continued to cut through traffic at high speeds with no visible lights until finally taking an exit and parking. Davis exited the vehicle and hid behind a school bus, with Air ONE keeping him in sight. Officers closed in on the school bus, and he surrendered.

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Diane Thompson — too drunk for the Lucky Bastard Saloon

53-year-old Diane Thompson was observed by security staff at the Lucky Bastard Saloon in downtown Nashville as she was stumbling and bumping into other patrons due to her extreme level of intoxication. She was escorted out of the venue and onto the sidewalk, where she caught the attention of officers working the Entertainment District. She was unable to stand up straight and slurred her speech to the point that she was not understandable. She was taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking.

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FedEx Employee Franklin Martin drunkenly drives trailer tugger on his off day

23-year-old “tugger certified” employee Franklin Martin was on the FedEx property outside of his working hours Sunday evening. Officers were called when he would not leave, and though he was slightly intoxicated, he was cooperative and was given a courtesy ride away from the property at 5 p.m. with a warning not to return unless he was scheduled to work. At 9 p.m. Sunday, he returned to the FedEx property, even more intoxicated, and the office initially refused him entrance. He then snuck onto the truck lot and located a ‘trailer tugger,’ which he drove from the truck lot to the parking lot. 

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Katherine Alberto slaps her boyfriend during her own birthday party

23-year-old Katherine Alberto was celebrating her 23rd birthday this weekend with her boyfriend, Victor Servellon. At some point during the late-night celebration, the couple began to argue and slapped her boyfriend in the face. A fight ensued, leaving several broken and displaced items strewn around the apartment, according to police. Officers documented a red mark under the victim’s eye and other bruising. Katherine was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Junior Louis asleep behind the wheel after drinking wine during dinner date

34-year-old Junior Louis says he had two glasses of wine at dinner with a date Saturday night before police found him asleep behind the wheel of his vehicle at an intersection. When woken up, he stated he didn’t need any assistance, that he was simply tired and fell asleep. When he exited his vehicle, officers reported he reeked of alcohol and he performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Inside the driver’s door area was a loaded M&P Shield handgun. As he was being transported to booking, Louis asked to go to the hospital due to a possible medical condition causing him to “fall asleep” at the wheel. Metro General cleared him for jail, and he was charged with DUI.

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Tommy McDonald charged with strangling girlfriend; dragging her by hair

When police arrived at an Elm Hill Pike apartment late Saturday night, they discovered Chenike Reid gathering her things from the ground, which were scattered outside of the apartment. She explained that her boyfriend, 30-year-old Tommy McDonald, had punched her in the forehead when she attempted to take a book that Tommy had bought for her as she was moving out. When she grabbed the book a second time, she says he grabbed her by her hair and then her throat until she had problems breathing. He then dragged her out of their apartment. Officers documented injuries to the victim’s forehead and throat. She was transported to the hospital, and Tommy was taken into custody.

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Andrew L. Peters drunk and stumbling in downtown Nashville

50-year-old Andrew Peters fell down on the ground in downtown Nashville late Sunday night, and officers arrived to assist the extremely intoxicated man. Nashville medics also responded to the scene, and he refused all assistance. Peters became highly combative, hostile, and argumentative with officers and the surrounding public. Due to his inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication. 

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Tourist James Rodgers loses his wife and his freedom after drunken night on Broadway

36-year-old James Rodgers was causing a disturbance outside of Layla’s Honky Tonk Sunday afternoon in downtown Nashville. Officers working in the Entertainment District approached him and immediately observed him to be unsteady on his feet and intoxicated. Rodgers stated he was attempting to find his wife but did not remember what bar they were at nor what hotel they were staying at. She did not answer the phone, but officers were able to determine the phone was located at the Hilton Hotel. Officers gave Rodgers directions to the hotel, and he said he would go there to find her. Moments later, officers had to return to the area as Rodgers was once again causing a disturbance at the location, yelling, screaming, and stumbling into the street. 

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Wild Beaver leads to fight between Jordan Votruba & wife

34-year-old Jordan Michael Votruba was with his wife, Ashley Votruba, at the Wild Beave in downtown Nashville when the couple was kicked out of the bar due to a disturbance. As they were walking back to the Courtyard by Marriott hotel, his wife walked ahead of him to show her frustration with him. She was far enough ahead that a group of men asked if she was lost, and as Jordan caught up, he heard their conversation and pushed her, causing officers to be flagged down, and everyone went about their night. After arriving at their hotel, the argument re-ignited. Jordan reportedly grabbed the back of his wife’s neck, slamming her into the counter, leaving a bruise on her chin, which was documented by officers. Against his will, Vortruba was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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DUI: Maria Takele parks in the middle of the roadway downtown so no one will hit her car

Metro Nashville Police came upon a blue Hyundai Accent parked in the middle of a lane of travel at 5th & Broadway in the early hours of Saturday morning. As they approached the vehicle, 24-year-old Maria Takele also approached the car and stated she parked in the middle of the road because someone had hit her car earlier in a parking garage. Takele appeared to be extremely intoxicated and admitted she had been drinking prior to moving her car to the roadway. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI.

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Kayla Johnson-Walker scratches ‘FUCKU’ into ex-boyfriend’s car, slashes his tires

20-year-old Kayla Johnson-Walker and Milton Brown ended their romantic relationship in late January after dating for about six months. Kayla reportedly continued to call Milton, and he ignored the attempts at communication. On January 30, Kayla suddenly appeared at his residence, and an argument ensued. Kayla left but returned a short time later. Milton looked out his window to see her scratching the word “FUCKU’ into the roof of his vehicle. As he went outside, he realized she had also slashed his two rear tires. Kayla called Smyrna PD to confess she had just “keyed her boyfriend’s car” and the call was matched to this open incident.

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Marina Akladious charged in harassment of ex-boyfriend via text messages

25-year-old Marina Akladious was booked this week on an outstanding warrant charging her with harassment. The 2021 warrant alleges that she continued to send her ex-boyfriend, Peter Zaree, threatening and harassing text messages despite being asked to stop and being served with an order of protection that disallowed any communications. The victim blocked the numbers she used, but she continuously texted from new numbers to harass him.

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APSU Lab Manager Ronald Palmer caught masturbating in office by student

52-year-old APSU Chemistry Lab Manager Ronald Palmer was jailed Friday after a student said she walked in on him masturbating in his office with the door open to the hallway. Police made contact with Palmer, who refused to answer any questions. The student alerted another Chemistry to the incident, and she called campus police. The student says Palmer was reclined back in his chair with his head back, eyes closed, and aggressively pleasuring himself with his right hand.

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MNPD arrests mime in downtown Nashville, strips clothing in 20-degree weather — Antonio Washington

51-year-old Antonio Washington was taken into custody Saturday morning in downtown Nashville after Metro Nashville Police said he was “obstructing a passageway” — which seems to be refuted by photos and videos from the scene. During the interaction, it was noted he was non-verbal and used a notepad to communicate with a large presence of officers who confronted him. Officers told him he could not be stationary or sit on the sidewalk and panhandle without a permit and that he would have to be in constant movement. He refused and communicated that he would not leave the edge of the sidewalk and dared them to arrest him. Officers then placed him into custody, but not before stripping clothing from his body in 20-degree weather, as officers wore winter coats. A statement from MNPD reads, in part, “The sweatshirt he was wearing needed to be temporarily taken off so other blankets underneath could be removed. It was quickly put back on.” The initial call came from Downtown Ambassadors, who believed him to have a knife, but it was only a lighter.

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New Jersey Tourist Deanna Paul bites lover at hotel after night on Broadway

51-year-old Deanna Paul was jailed early Saturday morning after a fight with her lover, Zachariah Coker, at the Residence Inn by Marriott Nashville Vanderbilt. The two were out drinking on Broadway in downtown Nashville Friday night when Zachariah decided to return to the hotel while Deanna stayed downtown. Once she returned to the hotel, Zachariah says she began to hit him in the face and bit his finger until she pushed him out of the room and locked the door. Deanna says she only bit his finger because he stuck it in her mouth while they were physically fighting. Officers documented injuries to the victim’s face and finger and took Deanna into custody, charging her with domestic assault.

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DUI Crash: Brayden Thrasher “just trying to get home” after night at Play Dance Bar

24-year-old Jeffrey Brayden Thrasher crashed his black Jeep Cherokee into a rock retaining wall on Gallatin Pike just before 5 a.m. Saturday and drove for a short distance before his vehicle became disabled in the roadway. Officers arrived to find damage to the front end of his vehicle, as well as a destroyed front right tire, leaving only the rim. Thrasher stated he had consumed alcohol throughout the night at Play Dance Bar on Church Street in Nashville, and he was “just trying to get home.” A search incident to arrest also revealed a metal flask containing alcohol.

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DUI Crash: Alan Hurtado — “I just want to go home and sleep it off”

26-year-old Alan Hurtado told police he just wanted to “go home and sleep it off” when they found him crashed in his vehicle at the I-24 / I-440 entrance ramp in the pre-daylight hours of Saturday morning. He stated he did not know what happened and refused all medical assistance. He advised he had a “few drinks” with friends in downtown Nashville prior to driving. Hurtado performed poorly on field sobriety tests and later blew a 0.155% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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