NEW: Player Bud Dupree formally charged with assault of Walgreens Employee

#BREAKING: Metro Nashville Police formally issued Titans player Bud Dupree a citation charging him with assault of Walgreens employee Greg Butler. The charging document states “A group of subjects entered the store to shop.  Some of the subjects got into a verbal argument with the victim.  The subjects left, then re-entered the store with the defendant.  The defendant then grabbed the victim and his phone.  They then got into a physical altercation before the defendant left the location.  Due to the victim being assaulted, the defendant is being charged with assault-fear of bodily injury.” Dupree will report for booking on the citation within three weeks.

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Nashville Booster charged in theft of almost $5,000 worth of Titans Jerseys from Pro Shop — Orlexus Elliott

23-year-old #BoosterClub member Orlexus Elliott is charged in the theft of $4,720 worth of Titans Jerseys from the pro shop on November 5th. Orlexus and another female, whose arrest is pending, entered the Titans Pro Shop at 1 Titans way earlier this month, grabbed all the jerseys they could, and fled the store, fleeing in a black Nissan Murano convertible. Nashville has a thriving underground of ‘boosters’ who steal racks of items from stores to sell online.

As soon as police initially interviewed Elliott about this theft, she removed the stolen items from her social media, where she had the jerseys listed for sale, and offered to arrange to have them returned. Police gave her time to do that, however, she never followed through. She was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Thursday, charged with felony theft. She is free on a $2,500 bond.

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