Near-naked man fondling genitals in Club-Hotel hallways says he was with two women – officers found empty rooms.

Metro Police found 39-year-old Terrance Carter wearing only boxers and fondling his genitals with both hands at the Club-Hotel Nashville Tuesday evening, where he told a “bizarre and winding story about having two separate women he was with at the hotel”. Hotel staff reports he had been walking the hallways while nearly naked for several hours.

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WKRN’s Danielle Breezy has hot mic moment; reveals feelings on Channel 5’s weather team & their worth

A hot mic moment caught WKRN’s Danielle Breezy commenting on Channel 5’s Leland Satom & Bree Smith, including “I don’t think Bree’s that expensive, but I don’t think she’s cheap…. a buck fifty if I had to guess, maybe a little less”.. and the possibility of Nikki-Dee Ray replacing a local meteorologist.

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News Channel 5 issues statement on Gay Pride logo branding, denies removed due to controversy

News Channel 5 says an employee posted, then removed, Gay Pride logo because “it had not gone through our usual process of discussion and approval”.. & “was in no way meant to indicate a lack of support for the LGBTQ community, either from the station or the employee involved”

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Nashville CBS Affiliate Pulls Gay Pride Month logo after backlash

Nashville’s local CBS Affiliate, WTVF – News Channel 5, spent about an hour today realizing how many people in Tennessee feel all their lives. The station changed its logo to a rainbow for pride month, but after hundreds of threats and negative comments, quickly deleted it from social media, along with the comments, as if it never happened.

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