68-year-old punches son-in-law in testicles during an argument over NES bill

68-year-old Alice Lianos was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with the domestic assault of both her daughter and son-in-law for two separate incidents. Most recently, video captured her punching her son-in-law in the testicles when he turned the heat back on after she turned it off due to a high electric bill.

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Metro Council set to pass NES bill ’round-up’ program tonight, NES ‘welcomes’ the resolution.

It’s back – the vote is TONIGHT to round up your NES bill without asking:

“The Metropolitan Council hereby goes on record as formally requesting NES to implement a customer-remove Round-Up donation program, such that all ratepayers will be enrolled in the program automatically, creating a reasonable and sustainable source of revenue for its low-income weatherization program.”

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Metro Council set to vote on “Encouraging” NES to round-up your payment each month, without your permission

NES isn’t getting enough people to ‘opt-in’ to round their bill up to the next whole dollar, to benefit their ‘Home Energy Uplift’ program, so they’re asking the Metro Council for their blessing to OPT-IN every single Nashvillian  to the program, without asking their for permission, increasing the amount they pay each month. The council will vote on the resolution Wednesday night.

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