Jennifer Croy fires gun at neighbors during shared driveway dispute

Shawn Cates and David Carney met with police Saturday evening to report their neighbor, 39-year-old Jennifer Croy, had just fired a gun at them, and they have the incident recorded on video. The argument was about shared driveway space between the three, and they say the disagreement gradually escalated until Jennifer produced a handgun and pointed the gun at each of the victims, and fired a single shot in their direction. Officer met with Croy, who denied ever pointing a gun at either man but stated she did have a handgun in her possession. Officers played the video for Croy, which clearly showed her pointing and firing the gun, and she continued to deny what the video showed.

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“Some weed, coke, vodka, & lean”, says William Evans when asked if he’s ingested any drugs today

“Some weed, some coke, some vodka, and some lean…” that was the response of 25-year-old William Evans when police ask if he was on any drugs when they found him pulling on door handles and running through back yards, noting he had extremely chapped and foamy lips. He was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking, where the charge was later dismissed.⠀

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Woman charged after getting drunk and crawling through the yards of neighbors, screaming — Erin Justesen

36-year-old Erin Justesen was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday after neighbors found her crawling around their lawns, screaming, and causing a neighborhood disturbance while admittedly intoxicated. We covered her arrest last year when she was also intoxicated and punched her mother’s new boyfriend in the kitchen while he was making coffee.

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