Drunk National Guard Recruiter Taylor Stoeckman threatens to kill Nashville Police Officer — Pretrial Release

28-year-old Former Marine turned National Guard Recruiter Taylor Stoeckman was jailed late Monday night after security at Nashville Underground on Broadway in downtown Nashville had to take him to the ground and hold him there until police arrived. Stoeckman was reportedly extremely intoxicated, which resulted in him being denied entry to the venue. Despite his continued shouting and unruly behavior, and complaints of not being able to see, he refused medical treatment. Officers then attempted to call his friends to come and get him, but Stoeckman was unable to unlock his phone. Officers asked him to sit down while they attempted other methods to contact his friends, but he became even more unruly. He was then advised he was being taken into custody, at which time he assumed a fighting stance and used his body to prevent from being placed into the patrol car. He then threatened to strangle the arrested officer to death, and once at booking, he continued to resist going into the building.

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Man smashes car window; “The demon is chasing me!” #Arrested

26-year-old Joel N. Arlotta is charged with vandalism, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication, after he approached a woman’s car on West End, told her “The demon is chasing me”, smashed out her car window, and said, “y’all didn’t think I was that strong, did you!”. Police then found him entangled in a chain-link fence.

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