DUI: Man charged after driving wrong way on one-way street downtown — Brendon Powell

Metro Police observed 33-year-old Bendon Powell traveling the wrong way on a one-way street in downtown Nashville Saturday, then hitting a traffic cone as he took a wide turn onto Broadway at a high rate of speed. After conducting a traffic stop, officers described Powell as showing obvious signs of impairment and “indifferent” in his mental state about the current situation. He denied any medical conditions and performed poorly on all field sobriety tests. An officer actually had to catch him as he was falling onto the concrete during one of the tests.

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Revolver road rage: “you’re a big guy, I ought to just shoot you” — 62-year-old man arrested

62-year-old Don Lewis Cox is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he fired 2 rounds during a road rage incident after first motioning to the victim he would “beat his ass”, and rescinded that offer, replacing it with “Actually, you’re a big guy. I ought to just shoot you”.

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