New York man kicked out of The Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville — Jaime Idrovo

Metro Police responded to the Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville early Monday morning after 31-year-old Jaime Idrovo was in some sort of disturbance with another guest. Due to all of the commotion in the middle of the night, hotel management asked Idrovo to leave the hotel, but he refused, stating he was going back to sleep. After management asked him a second time, with police present, and he still refused, he was charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct, and transported to booking.

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Texas Tourist found drunk, disorderly, & trespassing at Nashville Symphony — Mark Alan Richardson

23-year-old Mark Alan Richardson, from Texas, was found yelling and screaming from inside a locked & gated courtyard area of the Nashville Symphony in downtown Nashville. He apparently was unable to get out of the area, and venue security told police they believe he had to scale the eight-foot-tall gates to get stuck inside. Richardson refused to speak to officers and was transported to the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and criminal trespass. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Man complains to police that he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s Bar — Bryan Moore arrested #PublicIntoxication

27-year-old Bryan Moore was charged with public intoxication after he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville, then approached Nashville Police officers to make a complaint about his ouster. They advised him to leave the area, but he refused and began to bang on the door to the venue. During his arrest, a citizen also reported that Moore had assaulted him.

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Two 30-somethings wanted a getaway weekend, Nashville gave them more than they could handle

Two thirty-somethings came to Nashville and the city absolutely devoured them. They were not prepared for all the fun the city offered. Shannon Young & Gabrielle began their night barhopping in downtown Nashville, and found themselves ten miles away in a hotel lobby that wasn’t theirs, attempting to sleep on the floor while covered in vomit and urine. From the back of a patrol car, one of them joyfully claimed “I am so excited” as she approached the sally port of the jail, as she continued on her adventure.

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