Son of Nashville Socialites charged in brutal rape, aggravated rape, sexual battery & more — Blake Solarek

25-year-old Blake Solarek is free on a $75,000 bond, charged with 5 counts of sexual battery, 3 counts of rape, and 1 count each of assault, aggravated assault, and aggravated rape. Blake is the son of divorcing Nashville socialites Troy Solarek, of The Dotted Line, and artist manager Mitch Solarek. A Grand Jury indicted Solarek on all 11 counts earlier this month, and he was taken into custody Thursday, and immediately posted bond via Grumpy’s.

The Grand Jury indictment alleges all the incidents occurred on January 1st of 2021, charging Blake Solarek with 5 counts of unwanted sexual contact with then 18-year-old M.N.Y., 3 incidents of sexual penetration without consent, he caused M.N.Y. to be fear injury from being strangled, caused injury from an additional act of penetration of M.N.Y., and caused other injures to the victim. Solarek is represented by Byron Pugh.

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Texas Tourist found drunk, disorderly, & trespassing at Nashville Symphony — Mark Alan Richardson

23-year-old Mark Alan Richardson, from Texas, was found yelling and screaming from inside a locked & gated courtyard area of the Nashville Symphony in downtown Nashville. He apparently was unable to get out of the area, and venue security told police they believe he had to scale the eight-foot-tall gates to get stuck inside. Richardson refused to speak to officers and was transported to the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and criminal trespass. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Local man climbs atop Nashville Symphony fountain, lets it all hang out and flow — Kyle Colella arrested

24-year-old Kyle Colella is charged with indecent exposure and public intoxication after Metro Nashville Police say he climbed atop the extravagant fountain outside the Nashville Symphony in downtown Nashville, exposed himself, and began urinating into the fountain. An off-duty officer working security detained and he was transported to booking, deemed too intoxicated to care for himself. He is free on pre-trial release.

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