Mayor’s #NashvilleShopsLocal campaign mostly just him snacking & drinking coffee around town.

On November 1st, Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced a #NashvilleShopsLocal hashtag campaign to encourage citizens to showcase thing they’ve bought at local businesses. During the first month, less than 10 shoppers participated. The rest was mostly Mayor Cooper snacking or drinking coffee at local establishments. Oh, and the advertising spam, there was lots of spam.

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In a move to appease neighborhoods, Mayor asks for 5mph speed reduction – at a cost.

Next month, Nashville Mayor John Cooper will ask the traffic and parking commission, and then the Metro Council, to reduce the speed limit within neighborhoods from 30 to 25 mph. The cost of sign updates, community education, and related engineering improvements is 1.5 million. Is such a small change worth the cost?

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Councilman Jonathan Hall refuses to disclose campaign donors or how he spent thousands of dollars, in violation of state law

State law is clear – when you run for an office you must disclose who contributes money to your campaign and categorize how you spend those dollars. Jonathan Hall, running for Metro Council D1, has $7,050 in contributions from individuals he refuses to disclose the identity of, and over $11,000 in cash/misc purchases he refuses to say what they were for.

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Metro Councilman says he’s “not paying” a court-ordered judgment for campaign signs, didn’t even show up for court

Metro Councilman Jonathan refused to show up for a court date after being served and says he’s “not paying” the judgment ordered by the Judge. He’s left a small business owner out over $7,000 for his campaign signs from the last election, despite repeated promises to make it right.

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