Dylan Simmons charged in brutal assault of girlfriend in Antioch

25-year-old Dylan Shayne Simmons is charged with the domestic assault and strangulation of his ex-girlfriend, Savannah McClanahan. The January argument reportedly began after he “wasn’t being honest to his parents about their relationship,” according to the victim. During the assault, she says he called her a “bitch” and “cunt” while grabbing and pushing her, causing her to fall back. He then grabbed her throat and took her to the ground by force, and continued to strangle her on the ground for a period of time. Officers documented marks, bruises, and injuries on the victim, and a warrant was issued for the arrest of Simmons, who had fled the scene. He was booked on that charge this week.

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Taylor Conyers charged in assault of juvenile neighbor

20-year-old Taylor Conyers faced multiple charges after she and another person knocked on the door of a juvenile neighbor, pushed into the home, and began to attack a juvenile female. The two reportedly “jumped” the victim, punching her in the face before fleeing. Officers arrived and reviewed video doorbell footage of the two entering and exiting the apartment. The argument seems to be over an incident the night before when Conyers was accused of stealing packages that belonged to the victim’s grandmother.

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Vandy Tennis Star Marcus Ferreira takes out bouncer at The 5 Spot in East Nashville #DownForTheCount

23-year-old Marcus Ferreira reportedly threw a glass bottle at The 5 Spot in East Nashville Friday, striking a food truck. A patron forced Ferreira to leave, but he soon returned. Bouncer Brett Rosenberg denied him re-entry, at which point Ferreira punched the bouncer in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the ground. While he was down, Ferreira taunted him, called him names, and threatened to assault him again. Rosenberg suffered a concussion and will miss work for a week. A warrant was issued for Ferreira, charging him with felony aggravated assault. He was booked into custody late Monday.

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Isaac Baugh strangles girlfriend when she doesn’t make him dinner

Cecilia Nelson says her 32-year-old boyfriend Isaac Baugh called on his way home to ask if she had made dinner Saturday evening, and she told him she had not. When he arrived home, he reportedly yelled at her to come downstairs and cook him dinner. She came downstairs, and they argued while she was in the kitchen. She says he got up from the dining room table, where he was waiting, and threw a Mentos package at her, hitting her in the head. She demanded he leaves, and as she began to go back upstairs, Baugh grabbed her by the neck and strangled her during an assault. Officers documented injuries on the victim consistent with strangulation.

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David Shillaber too drunk for Tacos and Tequilas

32-year-old David Shillaber was kicked out of Tacos and Tequilas for being too intoxicated on February 11, as he continued to cause disturbances at the location. Metro Nasvhille Police escorted him outside, where he stumbled around and attempted to find a ride home. He told officers his ride would be there in ten minutes, but during that time, he began to walk away. He was placed into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking.

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Ryan Joyce too drunk to fly on Southwest Airlines

37-year-old Ryan Joyce was denied boarding a Southwest Airlines flight at the Nashville International Airport on February 11 at 4 p.m. Airport police stated Joyce smelled of alcohol and had slurred speech, and was sitting in a wheelchair when they arrived, despite Joyce insisting he was not intoxicated. Officers wheeled him to the ticket counter to rebook on a new flight, but none were available. He then attempted to gather his bags and walk away, but it was deemed he was too intoxicated to care for himself, so he was taken into custody.

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Tracey McKenzie operating cocaine van in downtown Nashville

Detectives were conducting drug surveillance at 305 Broadway on February 10 when they observed 27-year-old Tracey McKenzie repeatedly going in and out of a white Honda Odyssey van that was parked nearby. They also observed him escort two individuals to the van for a short time before going their separate ways. Officers made contact as he was standing outside the van, which they learned was stolen out of Chattanooga. Inside the van, officers discovered nine individually wrapped baggies with cocaine inside, totaling 15 grams.

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Group calls 911 to report Andrea Martinez missing after they abandon her downtown

Citizens on Lischey Avenue called 911 to report a missing person, 22-year-old Andrea Martinez. Police responded to the location, and the parties explained they were all out on Broadway drinking and abandoned Andrea downtown when she became belligerent and aggressive. During the interactions, one of the women received a call from the downtown Hilton Hotel, who had located Andrea as she was disturbing guests and refused to leave despite them having no rooms available. Officers traveled to the Hilton downtown and attempted to arrange somewhere safe for Andrea to go, but she refused all assistance. She was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Eric Mathers charged after downtown disruptive behavior

Entertainment District Unit officers were flagged down by a group of women who reported that 24-year-old Eric Mathers would not leave them alone. Officers spoke with Mathers, who reeked of alcohol, and attempted to get him a ride home. He could not arrange a ride and refused a taxi or ride-share. He then attempted to walk away and pushed one of the officers. Mathers was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Jacob Colton Williams to police: “I’ll have your jobs for kidnapping me!”

31-year-old Jacob Colton Williams told Metro Nashville Police officers, “I’ll have your jobs for kidnapping me!” as they handcuffed him and placed him into the rear of a patrol car on Broadway in downtown Nashville this weekend. Williams had caused a disturbance at Nudie’s Honky Tonk after he was refused entry due to his level of intoxication and assaulted security, who restrained him until police arrived. While in custody, Williams told police, “you act like the kids I coach!” Once at booking, Williams refused to exit the patrol car until a night court magistrate came out to speak with him.

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DUI: Waddy Brooks consumed White Claws, marijuana & anxiety pills before driving

Police say when they stopped 23-year-old Philip Waddy Brooks for speeding late Friday night, he would not look at the officer. He reportedly reeked of alcohol, despite initially claiming he didn’t consume any alcohol. He refused a breath test but performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He eventually admitted to taking anxiety pills, smoking marijuana, and drinking four White Claws prior to driving. He was transported to the hospital for a forced blood draw and then to booking.

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Anthony Bates had ‘2 beers at a strip club’ before DUI hit-and-run crash

30-year-old Anthony Bates says he and his friend Zachary Dickson were driving home from a strip club in his silver Dodge Caravan when he struck a vehicle at 46th & Charlotte and fled the scene. Officers caught up with the Caravan on White Bridge Road and observed it to have heavy front-end damage. When asked about the damage, Bates stated he “may have hit a bump but was not aware of hitting a vehicle.” He admitted to consuming “two beers” at the strip club prior to driving and almost fell over during field sobriety tests.

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