Nashville Fire paramedic Nick French charged in assault of wife in Clarksville

39-year-old Nashville Fire Department Paramedic Nicholas French is charged with the domestic assault of his wife, Amanda French, on February 15. She says she went to the bathroom to shower, and Nicholas turned off the shower. She exited and attempted to re-enter the bathroom and had to push past him as he was blocking her way. In the process, she says he slammed her arm in the door and held it for at least thirty seconds before completely slamming it shut and punching it several times. Officers documented indentations on the victim’s arm and a golf ball-sized lump on her leg from the assault. French has been with the Nashville Fire Department since July of 2021 and is currently using his accrued leave time until the situation has been litigated.

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DUI: Nashville Firefighter Justin Blackburn says police shouldn’t arrest him, out of respect; just follow him home

29-year-old Nashville Firefighter Justin Blackburn was driving 60 mph in a 40 mph zone on Dickerson Pike and swerving out of his lane multiple times as police pulled him over just before midnight Wednesday. Blackburn, who reeked of alcohol, made jokes about “eating cookies while driving,” denied drinking any alcohol, and later admitted his cookies joke wasn’t funny. After failing field sobriety tests, and as he was being placed into custody, Blackburn began to make it known he was a Nashville Fire Fighter and repeatedly stated he should be shown respect and the officer should just follow him home instead of arresting him.

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Soldier Sean Puzewski was found drunk & unconscious in downtown Nashville

28-year-old Sean Puzewski was located unresponsive and heavily intoxicated in front of Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative arrived to assist, along with medics from the Nashville Fire Department. He was already loaded onto the medic’s cot when he came to and began to unbuckle the safety straps and then refused any and all medical assistance. Due to his level of intoxication and inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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AUDIO: Fireworks began while police & helicopter were in blast/fallout zone -“someone should be fired” heard on radio traffic

As the nation watched nervous TV hosts try to fill space as the Nashville fireworks were delayed over a half-hour Sunday night, behind-the-scene a lot was happening. Several suspected trespassers in the blast/fallout zone caused MNPD officers to search for them in a building with personnel and a helicopter – and then suddenly someone started the show, catching 8 MNPD officers and a helicopter pilot in the immediate airspace by surprise. We have the audio from their radio traffic #LISTEN

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