Nashville Police charge cuffed man with vandalism after he urinates in back of patrol car

Metro Nashville Police have charged Joseph ‘Joey’ Windler, the 29-year-old owner of Rukus Cycling Nashville, with vandalism after they cuffed him in the rear of a patrol car during a DUI arrest, and they say he urinated on the seat, traffic cones, and plexiglass divider of the cage. The officer notes it’s not his normal job duty to clean urine and it takes away from his duty as a Patrol Sergeant, thereby costing the city money, and constituting vandalism as there is a monetary loss.

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DUI Arrest: “Sir, say your ABC’s from C to R”.. Him: “A,B,C.”

..Officer Roark then conducted field sobriety tests, during which he asked Andrews to say his ABC’s from C to R. Andrews simply replied “A, B, C.” and stopped. An arrest report states Andrews failed multiple other field sobriety tests and agreed to take a breathalyzer test. His first result was a 0.18, the second result was a 0.20, and for the third test, he spit into the tube.

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