UNSEALED: Delke’s attorney secretly testified on behalf of D.A. Glenn funk prior to being offered unusual 3-year plea

The world was shocked when MNPD Officer Andrew Delke was suddenly offered a 3-year plea deal for the on-duty murder of Daniel Hambrick. Hambrick’s family wasn’t even consulted on the terms. What wasn’t known at the time was that Delke’s attorney, David Raybin, had testified on behalf of Glenn Funk in his own case previously, keeping him out of some serious ethical trouble – and making this sudden sweetheart deal seem even more unusual. Funk likely assumed no one would find out about the prior beneficial relationship because that case wasn’t available to the public – until now.

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‘Brother Jones’ says he wasn’t violent, but new video shows he was – and the Grand Jury agrees

Protestor Justin Jones (“Brother Jones”) was given two weeks to turn himself in on a Grand Jury Indictment, which charges him with two counts of reckless endangerment after he is seen on video repeatedly pushing a traffic cone into the cab of a vehicle, striking the person inside, and causing a danger to both the driver and the nearby public.

Jones claims this is a ‘false narrative’, and says he wasn’t violent. Here’s the video.

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Nashville’s most notorious drug kingpin you’ve never heard of: Eric Jenkins #SharkOfWallStreet

37-year-old Eric Jenkins, who goes by the moniker ‘Shark of Wall Street’, is acknowledged by the DA’s office to be one of Nashville’s largest drug Kingpins – and you’ve probably never heard of him unless you’re among the city’s most elite clientele he serviced. Nashville took him into custody earlier this summer during a “major sting operation” when he attempted to take possession of 10 kilos of cocaine from an undercover agent – and all local charges have disappeared.

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D.A.’s office will prosecute passenger, but not off-duty officer, on identical charge

Today marks the point of no return for the Nashville District Attorney’s Office. Today is the day they define two clear and distinct paths for prosecuting crimes in Nashville – one for police, and one for citizens.
Two people in the same car got charged with identical crimes. One was an off-duty cop, whose charges the D.A. refused to prosecute. The passenger, a citizen with no priors, will be prosecuted in a Nashville courtroom this morning at 9 a.m. by the same D.A.’s office, for the same charge.

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