Man charged with harassment of ex-boyfriend at courthouse, causing a scene after court — Cobe Hampton #Arrested

23-year-old Cobe Hampton is free on a $1,000 cash bond after causing a scene outside a courtroom earlier this month. Hampton exited the courtroom, and waited in the hallways for his ex-boyfriend to also exit, at which time he became upset and began yelling at him. Security had him leave the area, at which point he again approached the victim outside the courthouse angry and yelling, and had to be detained by security. He is charged with harassment – emotional distress.

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#Lawsuit: Man says employer wanted to ‘climb Jason Momoa like a tree’ & he should ‘find his f-ckability’

Christian Ethicist Ryan Huber is suing his former employer Compass real estate, alleging he was sexually harassed and discriminated against for his religion. Graphic details include allegations a female supervisor talked about how she would “climb Jason Momoa like a tree”, and explained how she dated rich guys to get nice things, and he should find his own method that works for him. He doesn’t believe in sex outside of marriage.

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Nashville courts can’t seem to stop Brian ‘Houston’ Clinch from assaulting women: A 3rd victim comes forward

23-year-old Brian “Houston” Clinch II was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Friday, yet again charged with the assault of a female in his life. Despite multiple arrests and convictions, he’s only been sentenced to probation, classes, and then a judge moved his probation to unsupervised. A 3rd victim has now come forward. Court records detail him slamming women to the ground, choking them, promising to do it again, and following through on that promise. He burned another with a cigarette as punishment, pushed one down the stairs, threw another around a parking garage, and even broke a child’s car seat to prevent the mother of his child from leaving with the baby. Oh, and when he was served with the latest order of protection, he sent that ex-girlfriend the “I apologize for nothing” meme, violating the order.

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D.A.’s office will prosecute passenger, but not off-duty officer, on identical charge

Today marks the point of no return for the Nashville District Attorney’s Office. Today is the day they define two clear and distinct paths for prosecuting crimes in Nashville – one for police, and one for citizens.
Two people in the same car got charged with identical crimes. One was an off-duty cop, whose charges the D.A. refused to prosecute. The passenger, a citizen with no priors, will be prosecuted in a Nashville courtroom this morning at 9 a.m. by the same D.A.’s office, for the same charge.

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Man sues Hermitage McDonald’s for $15K – says he bit into a staple in his Big Mac

A Nashville man says he bit into a Big Mac from the McDonald’s on Lebanon Pk in Hermitage, and got a surprise that has cost him a lot of money, pain, and anxiety since it happened. He is suing for $15K+

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