Bounty Hunters storm wrong address & hold Nashville family at gunpoint – Khalil Abdullah arrested

EXCLUSIVE: Bounty hunters kicked open the front door of a Nashville home, threw the family to the floor, and held them at gunpoint, believing the father was a person they were seeking who didn’t show up for court, despite his assertions otherwise. When they eventually realized they were at the wrong address, they attempted to leave without involving police and fled the scene. The family was able to obtain the license plate of their vehicle, and now 1 of the 3, Khalil Abdullah, the owner of Matador Recovery, has been charged – and it’s not the first time he’s faced the same charge.

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Pre-Trial Release in Nashville, Part I: How To Get Out Of Jail

Nashville has recently introduced reform to the pre-trial release program, as an overall start to cash bail reform in the city. Find out how the process works, who now qualifies for pre-trial release, and more in our first installment on Nashville’s effort for cash bail reform.

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