DUI: Woman found slumped over wheel after 4 beers & 2 shots — Cassandra Kioussis arrested

36-year-old Cassandra Kioussis says she had “four beers and two shots” shortly before police found her slumped over the wheel of her vehicle and intersection in front of them. When police asked her to put the car in park, she rolled forward, and then rolled down the rear window instead of the front. She would eventually blow a 0.179 % BAC and was arrested for DUI.

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Drunk birthday boy arrested after climbing into cop car on Music Row — Bryce Parker

24-year-old Bryce Parker was celebrating his birthday with friends on Music Row when it was reported he was getting into vehicles of people he didn’t know. After Metro Nashville Police arrived to investigate the call, they noticed the 24-year-old had climbed into their own patrol car, which was parked with the emergency equipment activated. Unable to locate the friends he was celebrating with, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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DUI: woman ‘sleeps it off’ behind wheel of running vehicle overnight, still blows 0.087 the next morning — Lindsey Dixon

34-year-old Lindsey Dixon was charged with DUI Friday morning after officers found her slumped over the wheel of a running vehicle on Music Circle East. Initially concerned she may be in need of medical attention, officers stopped to check on her, at which time she began telling officers the story of why she was parked in this location, which they noted she “was rambling and talking in circles, but did manage to tell officers she had been drinking the night before”. She eventually blew a 0.087 BAC, even after having been asleep behind the wheel of the running car for a few hours. Dixon was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail and is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Nashville lawyer crashes car in front of officer; admits to “a couple of beers”, trips over own feet – Seamus Kelly

39-year-old attorney Seamus Timothy Kelly was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Friday morning after a VUPD Officer says he admitted drinking “a couple of beers” before making a left turn into another vehicle and crashing as the officer watched from the stop-light of the same intersection.

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Drunk man spits at wife, cracks her windshield, when she shows up at bar to take him home

Police say Caleb Roberts, of Greenbrier, was “irate” when his wife showed up at Tailgate Brewery Music Row because she believed him to be too intoxicated to drive. Appalled she would show up and tell him what to do, video shows him spitting at his wife, cracking her windshield with a beer bottle, then grabbing onto her in an effort to take her phone.

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