Marco Takla was handcuffed at Hustler Club Nashville – but not in the way he wanted

22-year-old Marco Takla caused a disturbance at Hustler Club Nashville in the early hours of Friday morning, and security called Metro Nashville Police for assistance. Officers arrived to find Marco Takla arguing with security, who had asked him multiple times to leave the property. Officers gave him the opportunity to walk away and off the property, at which point he began arguing with the police officers. He was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass.

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DUI: Woman blames crash on argument, breathalyzer determines that was a lie — Anna Bea Major arrested

25-year-old Anna Bea Major was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday night after she crashed her vehicle in downtown Nashville. When officers arrived on scene, she told them the cause of the wreck was because of an argument with her roommate. A breathalyzer determined that was a lie. She blew over double the legal limit, a .182 % BAC at booking. She is free on pre-trial release.

In 2019 Major was arrested after leaving the Exit Inn, where she was a bartender and was in a crash on the interstate in which she hit a wall and fled the scene. During that incident, she admitted to drinking prior to driving, and officers located marijuana and cocaine on her person incident to arrest.

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