Police report alleges Jack Zuckowsky slapped girlfriend across the face on a boat this summer

In reports filed with both the Metro Nashville Police and the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office, an ex-girlfriend of Jack Zuckowsky says she was assaulted by him while on a pontoon boat this summer at Two Foot Cove. She says Jack smacked her with an open hand across the left side of her face, knocking her to the ground. According to the incident report, a group of friends was having a social gathering on the boat, horseplaying around, and Jack pushed her into the water in what she thought was a playful manner. She pulled at his swim trunks in return, also in a playful manner. Jack reportedly suddenly became aggressive while screaming and yelling profanities as he assaulted her. Officers spoke with multiple witnesses who confirmed the incident.

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Mt. Juliet Restaurant owner charged in assault of girlfriend — Thomas Courtney arrested, yet again.

The 52-year-old troubled alcoholic Mt. Juliet restaurant owner, Thomas P. Courtney, has been booked into jail yet again and released on his own recognizance, this time after assaulting his girlfriend, leaving her badly bruised. Court records show the pair were driving on I-40 when he began swerving and driving erratically in response to an argument over a text message, and when she attempt to get the car back under control, he crashed the car off the road, pulled her out, and assaulted her by kicking her in the face, leaving her in the mud, locking the car, and walking away from the scene. A Wilson County magistrate released him on his own recognizance, as with most of his other dozen arrests. He was arrested again the following day for violating his Wilson County Probation, has multiple open DUI & other cases in both Wilson County and Nashville, and refuses to abide by interlock restrictions. His license to drive was revoked on 10/08/2021 – if you see him driving in Mt. Juliet, please immediately call the police at 615-754-2550.

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Lebanon man claims Sumner County Commissioner forced him to withdraw money from ATM; calls 911 & chases him

Lebanon Police say 21-year-old Travis Gaither called 911 and claimed Sumner County Commissioner & State Representative candidate Luke Tinsley forced him to withdraw cash from an ATM and give it to him. Gaither then chased the vehicle, providing updates to the dispatcher, asking police to meet him at Tinsley’s house. The investigation showed the money was a loan, and he didn’t think he had to pay it back. He was charged with misuse of 911 and possession of the marijuana in this glovebox. Gaither is Tinsley’s former campaign manager for his State Representative run.

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