Woman charged with striking mother with kitchen pan when confronted about drug use — Jaqueline Galvan Rubio

22-year-old Jaqueline Galvin Rubio is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after her mother says Jacqueline used a frying pan to strike her after an argument about drug use. A police report shows that Jaqueline initially grabbed a knife to use toward her mother, but ended up cutting herself with it, by mistake. She is free on a $7,500 bond.

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Domestic Assault: woman charged after throwing green tea on mother — Wallisha Hickman

26-year-old Wallisha K. Hickman is charged with domestic assault after throwing a plastic bottle of Green Tea at her mothing, causing the tea to get on her face and shirt. Night Court Commissioner Timothy Lee set her bond at $100. Wallisha has not yet posted bond, despite her domestic violence hold expiring around 2 a.m. Tuesday morning.

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