Teen found passed out on stimulants with pants down at Goodlettsville Motel 6 — Steven Ellis

Goodlettsville Police found 19-year-old Steven Ellis passed out in a vehicle at Motel 6 on Cartwright Street just after 5 a.m. Sunday. Ellis had his feet on the ground, laying face-first into the passenger seat of a vehicle with the door open and his pants below his knees. He was unable to provide a room number, nor any friend’s information, and was unable to care for himself. He admitted to being under the influence of a stimulant. He was booked into jail, charged with public intoxication. Scoop: Wilson covered Ellis in October of 2020 after he fired a gun at a man who spoke to his girlfriend at a convenience store.

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Nashville’s most notorious drug kingpin you’ve never heard of: Eric Jenkins #SharkOfWallStreet

37-year-old Eric Jenkins, who goes by the moniker ‘Shark of Wall Street’, is acknowledged by the DA’s office to be one of Nashville’s largest drug Kingpins – and you’ve probably never heard of him unless you’re among the city’s most elite clientele he serviced. Nashville took him into custody earlier this summer during a “major sting operation” when he attempted to take possession of 10 kilos of cocaine from an undercover agent – and all local charges have disappeared.

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