Nashville Police charge teen with felony after he borrows basketball from a school — Justin Mealer

Metro Nashville Police charged 19-year-old Justin Mealer with felony burglary after he entered an unlocked door of Fall-Hamilton Elementary School Sunday afternoon and borrowed a basketball so he and his friends could play on the nearby basketball court. The neighborhood teen with no criminal history openly admits to going inside the neighborhood school and locating a basketball, stating he entered through an unlocked cafeteria door. School Security Officer Austin Dubuc that the door may not have been properly latched, but the school was closed for operations. At the time of Mealer’s arrest by MNPD Officer Nicholas Alan Carroll, he was carrying a basketball, a box fan, and popsicles for the boys.

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Downtown street vendor charged with underage drinking, days later — Gabriel Ryan Tyson

Metro Nashville Police met 19-year-old Gabriel Ryan Tyson in downtown Nashville in January during a routine check of street vendor licenses. They noticed he was dancing around on the sidewalk and drinking from an open bottle of Charles Smith Kung Fu Girl Riesling. They issued him a citation for vending without a license, he poured out the open container of wine, and everyone went about their night. Sometime later, the officers realized Tyson was only 19-years-old, and three days after the citation, Officer Shawn Kaelin swore out the pettiest warrants of his career, charging the teen with underage drinking and underage possession of alcohol.

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Nashville Police charge man with felony for burning tiniest amount of weed he was smoking

While Nashville neighbors waited over 6 hours for a police response Saturday night, #MNPD Officer Daniel Russett noticed a man smoking marijuana downtown, yelled “Stop, drop what you got” and then charged him with a felony when he lit the tiny amount of weed on fire and burned it before the officer could reach him.

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Nashville Cop goes PETTY on PEDESTRIAN for laughing at him. Grabs, pulls him to car by force. #Jaywalking

Metro Nashville Police Officer Donald Ray Davidson was on whistle duty Thursday night, when he blew his whistle at a downtown pedestrian who ignored him and crossed the empty street, laughing at the officer. The cop then grabs the man’s backpack strap, pulls him back to the patrol car, where he and 2 other offices used force to handcuff him for ‘refusal to comply with an order’. DA says not so fast, dismisses everything immediately at court.

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