You can’t bring your crystal meth into the hospital, Christopher Daniels.

Metro Nashville Police responded to Skyline Hospital late Wednesday night to find 23-year-old Christopher Daniels in possession of his jacket, which had been used to bring nearly a half-pound (220 grams) of methamphetamine into the hospital. Police reviewed security footage which showed his girlfriend go outside and approach a blue Nissan Altima and grab his black jacket to bring back inside. As she entered the emergency department, security searched her and found the methamphetamine. Officers spoke with Daniels, who was in possession of the jacket, and he admitted everything found in the jacket belonged to him.

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Imani Amuri — Two DUIs in 27 days, pre-trial release on both arrests

20-year-old Imani Amuri was charged with DUI on April 10th after he crashed into a utility pole in Madison, and officers found him passed out behind the wheel and a car full of empty small liquor bottles. He blew a 0.228% BAC. Despite a commissioner setting his bond at $3,000, the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office gave him pre-trial release. 27 days later, on May 7th, he would lose control of his car once again and be arrested for a new DUI. This time a judicial commissioner set his bond at $5,000, and once again, the DCSO gave him pre-trial release.

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