Metro Council member Bob Mendes struck by van while bicycling in West Nashville

Metro Council member-At-Large Bob Mendes was struck by a vehicle while riding his bicycle Tuesday morning at 51st & Charlotte Ave. Mendes posted on social media shortly after the accident, stating “In the bike lane…slow enough speed where it looks like a scraped knee and an adrenaline dump might be the worst of it for me. Not sure about the bike yet.” #developing

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Joseph Crutchfield charged with drag racing & marijuana in Nashville’s street racing initiative crackdown

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the “Street Racing Initiative” say they observed 24-year-old Joseph Crutchfield III racing another vehicle and passing cars on Murfreesboro Pike near Morton Lane. He was traveling at high rates of speed. Police caught up with him on the 3700 block of Nolensville Pike and conducted a traffic stop to take him into custody. During an inventory search of his vehicle, a small amount of marijuana and paraphernalia was located, for which he was also charged.

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Nick La Mattina runs wife off road, breaks into home, tears down door, destroys bedroom

Nashville Jail Monday on outstanding warrants from an August incident in which he is alleged to have run his soon-to-be ex-wife off the road, followed her to her home where he doesn’t live, broke into the home, followed her up a set of stairs, tore down a door and threw it down the stairs, then destroyed the bedroom while the victim was locked in a nearby bathroom. His mother arrived at the home and scared him away from the premises, and warrants were issued for his arrest. He is free on an $18,000 bond.

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Nashville’s Mayor Cooper allows Strip Clubs & Hookah Bars Open; Downtown Bars Closed

Downtown Nashville bars remained closed this weekend, and when they re-open Monday they will have a 25-patron limit enforced on them. Meanwhile, Nashville’s strip clubs and Hookah bars continue to push capacity limits with no restrictions enforced by Nashville’s Mayor John Cooper, whose office declined to comment on this story.
Nashville Police issued 1,900 verbal mask warnings and issued 16 citations Saturday night during the same period.

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Nashville Councilwoman asks for non-mask wearers to be charged like HIV-carriers if they transmit COVID-19

VIDEO: Metro Councilwoman compares people who transmit COVID-19 without wearing a mask, to those who transmit HIV; asks for them to be similarly charged in the criminal court system – asking if Metro Council can create such legislation. She’s visibly disappointed when she learns she doesn’t have that power.

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Metro Council member accidentally goes loud & live during morning toilet session

Just before 6 a.m. Sunday, Metro Council member Steve Glover let loose, while accidentally broadcasting live from his bathroom, sitting on the toilet. It wasn’t a rant that viewers heard, but rather some deuces being dropped – while a confused councilman attempts to figure out what’s going on, and why technology is so hard.

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Councilman Jonathan Hall refuses to disclose campaign donors or how he spent thousands of dollars, in violation of state law

State law is clear – when you run for an office you must disclose who contributes money to your campaign and categorize how you spend those dollars. Jonathan Hall, running for Metro Council D1, has $7,050 in contributions from individuals he refuses to disclose the identity of, and over $11,000 in cash/misc purchases he refuses to say what they were for.

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Metro Councilman says he’s “not paying” a court-ordered judgment for campaign signs, didn’t even show up for court

Metro Councilman Jonathan refused to show up for a court date after being served and says he’s “not paying” the judgment ordered by the Judge. He’s left a small business owner out over $7,000 for his campaign signs from the last election, despite repeated promises to make it right.

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Metro Council Candidate says calling black women apes is ‘just humor’; businesses better without women

A candidate for Metro Council says it’s a ‘joke’ to call black women ‘apes’; women are only able to vote because ‘white men in power allowed it’; and has strong feelings on how women should dress and what jobs they can hold…
He hid this views to ‘friends only’ on his social media, but we’ve opened them up for the entire city. Meet Dan Meredith:

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Council Member Delishia Porterfield dirty deletes 5,342 tweets, removes 784 likes, & more

She doesn’t answer phone calls. She doesn’t reply to emails, and she’s now deleted her entire social media history, the most significant of which was on twitter @Delishia4D29. Newly elected Metro Council Member Delishia Porterfield has started off her new council career as possibly the least accessible, and certainly the least transparent member of Metro Council, and she’s only been seated a few weeks.

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Details: Mayor Briley’s plan to outsource parking spaces & permits to a private company for $30 mil upfront

DETAILS: Mayor David Briley reveals plan to turn over management of Nashville’s parking spaces to a private company for $30 cash million up front, increase fines by 227%, extend enforcement times to 10 p.m., add Sunday enforcement, increase meter rates, and eliminate free parking for clean energy vehicles.

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Metro Council Member seeks to limit scooter rides to pre-set destinations; no more free-roaming

Metro Council Member Sheri Weiner is sponsoring a bill that would limit scooters to pre-set destinations, requiring you to only ride them to places with docks. That could mean no more free-roaming scooter rides, and a unknown policy for where docks are located, and for which businesses they are near.

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Council Member Jonathan Hall sued for theft of services – hasn’t paid for campaign merchandise

Metro Council Member Jonathan Hall is being sued for theft of services & unjust enrichment, after he hired Logoz, Inc. to produce his campaign merchandise, and refuses to pay the bill. Hall is a member of the Budget & Finance committee on the council.

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Metro Council set to pass NES bill ’round-up’ program tonight, NES ‘welcomes’ the resolution.

It’s back – the vote is TONIGHT to round up your NES bill without asking:

“The Metropolitan Council hereby goes on record as formally requesting NES to implement a customer-remove Round-Up donation program, such that all ratepayers will be enrolled in the program automatically, creating a reasonable and sustainable source of revenue for its low-income weatherization program.”

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Councilman Russ Pulley asked inappropriate question during Oversight interview, nominee says [VIDEO]

Arnold Hayes says Metro Council member Russ Pulley ask inappropriate question(s) during his Oversight Interview. Metro Council members were caught in a hot-mic moment with the Vice Mayor discussing damage control of the incident. Here’s the letter that Hayes wrote to Metro Council, in response to the incident, where Pulley discounted that racism exists in the criminal justice system, and suggested Hayes never experienced any racial profiling in his past.

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Hot Mic: Council & Vice Mayor discuss ‘damage control’: “what Sharon is asking, is the damage control in preparation of Tuesday?”

CM Hurt: I get that, but I’m saying in terms of us trying to.. damage control, knowing that this has come out, what kind of damage control are we going to exercise in this, and how do we move forward as we move on to the next phase.

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Emails reveal Metro Council member conspired with Codes to issue illegal permit for home business

All Metro Council member Russ Pulley had to do was tell his constituent ‘NO’, he wouldn’t help her break the law. Instead, he conspired with codes to issue her an illegal permit to have a business with customers coming to her home – a privilege denied to every other Nashvillian. It turns out ‘NEW’ Nashville is just as corrupt as ‘old’ Nashville.

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