Nashville retreats to Phase II of re-opening plan, mostly; bars must close for 2 weeks.

In an announcement Tuesday morning, city officials announced that Nashville will retreat to a hybrid version of Phase II of the COVID-19 reopening plan. Bars will be closed for two weeks, starting tonight. No downtown fireworks. No large gatherings.

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Montgomery Co. Mayor says ‘Coronavirus is a strain of the flu’; downplays concerns for Clarksville

Montgomery County Tennessee Mayor Jim Durrett recently told his constituents that COVID-19 was just a strain of the flu, suggesting the “-19” designation meant this was our 19th time experiencing this, and overall downplaying the impact of the virus, noting that most deaths were in nursing homes. Montgomery County has 6 confirmed Cases of Coronavirus, as of Tuesday.

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‘Cultural Incompetence’ – says Mayoral Candidate about Mayor Briley’s decision to remove cherry blossom trees for NFL Draft

State Representative John Ray Clemmons, who is Running to be the next Mayor of Nashville, said Saturday the decision by Mayor Briley’s administration to allow the removal and destruction of over 21 cherry blossom trees to accommodate the NFL Draft event in downtown Nashville displayed ‘cultural incompetence.’

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Nashville Vice-Mayoral Candidate is Running for Office While Out on Bond

In the race for Nashville’s new vice-mayor, one candidate stands out. He’s running for office while out on bond after an order of protection violation arrest. He’s the only candidate with mugshots. Meet Matthew Delrossi.

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