Tourist Emery Thompson sucker punches man after a downtown Nashville fight ends

Metro Nashville Police working the downtown Nashville Entertainment District Initiative (EDI) say 44-year-old Emery Thompson was fighting another man near 5th & Broadway just before midnight Friday night. The fight seemingly ended as officers approached the two involved parties. As the other man was not looking, Thompson suddenly sucker-punched him after the fight was finished by all accepted man-code standards. Officers understood their assignment and took the tourist into custody.

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Joshua Holloway charged after brutally assaulting a man in front of a police officer

Sgt. Matthew Evans was in his marked patrol car when he witnesses 23-year-old Joshua Holloway punching John Dudas in the face. The victim attempted to flee into the crowd, however, Holloway pursued him, and when the man fell to the ground he began to brutally punch and kick the man, who sustained serious injuries, including missing teeth. He claimed the man had assaulted one of his friends, however, multiple independent witnesses confirmed Holloway threw the first punch.

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