Dr. Andrew Gong free on $1K bond after skipping court & ignoring assault indictment

45-year-old Dr. Andrew Aaron Gong was jailed this week after not showing up for an October court date and a bench warrant being issued for his arrest. The doctor’s troubles started in November of 2020 when he was using a delivery service for groceries. When the gig worker, Timothy Hines appeared at his door without wearing a mask or gloves, Dr. Andrew Gong reportedly became upset and a verbal argument quickly escalated when Hines says Gong punched him in the face, causing a laceration to his lower lip which was documented by police. Gong fought the misdemeanor citation and the case was bound over to the Grand Jury who indicted him on the assault charge in September of 2021. When he failed to appear for arraignment in October a warrant was issued for his arrest.

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Carthage man jailed after refusing to wear mask at Nashville Airport for Southwest flight — Carl Wayne Martin

43-year-old Carl Wayne Martin, of Carthage, faces multiple charges after becoming unruly at the Nashville International Airport and refusing to wear a mask, as mandated for his flight on Southwest Airlines. Airport police were called to gate C18 after Martin was denied boarding when he refused to wear a mask for COVID-19 precautions & policy. Flight attendants and police noted that Martin also appeared to be heavily intoxicated during their interactions. He was offered the opportunity to simply leave the area but refused, so was placed into custody. He pulled away from the arresting officers and refused to get inside the police car for transport, requiring multiple officers to place him in the car against his will. Martin is charged with disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and resisting arrest. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Downtown partier arrested after causing a ruckus over wearing a mask at The Valentine in Nashville

24-year-old Brittany Wyatt is charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct after police say she refused to wear a mask at the Valentine in downtown Nashville this weekend. Instead, she chose to yell & scream at staff, and threaten security as she was escorted out.

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