Bounced from Redneck Riviera, Jason Arwood climbs onto ‘Hell on Wheels’ military party bus

43-year-old Jason Arwood was being kicked out of Redneck Riviera on Broadway just after 7:30 p.m. Saturday in downtown Nashville. Officers were patrolling the area when they observed him just outside the bar, where he picked up food and began to throw it around as various things. Still in a rage, Arwood then ran up to the “Hell on Wheels” military party bus, climbing onto the side of it. Officers took control of the man and took him into custody for public intoxication.

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Tourist Jonathan Becnel so drunk the jail refused to take him #VisitMusicCity

21-year-old Jonathan Patrick Becnel was sitting on the ground outside of Nudie’s Honky Tonk when officers working the Entertainment District Initiative stopped to check on his welfare as he appeared very intoxicated and unable to care for himself. Becnel was unable to stand on his own, and as officers attempted to get him to medics, he began to push and get away. He was then taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest as he was combative during the entire encounter. Once at booking, DCSO staff refused to accept Becnel due to his extreme level of intoxication, so he was then taken to Metro General Hospital via ambulance.

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Songwriter Jessica Sirls tosses water on husband after “heated argument”

Stephen Giordano says an argument with his 37-year-old wife, Jessica (Giordano) Sirls, “got heated,” resulting in her throwing a plastic cup of water at him and scratching him on his arm. Metro Nashville Police responded to the Charlotte Pike apartment and met with the victim, Stephen, who presented with redness on his forearm, which police say was consistent with someone being scratched or gripped tightly by someone with long nails. There was also a slightly visible three-inch welt on his neck. Jessica, who is an actress and songwriter based in Nashville, admitted to throwing water at her husband, pushing him, and slapping him. She was transported to booking and charged with domestic assault with bodily injury.

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