Tiawanna Brown charged with theft of U-Haul she’s kept since June without returning

25-year-old Tiawanna L Brown is jailed on a $10,000 bond after police say she stole a U-Haul truck. Officer initially noticed the U-Haul without a license plate in Germantown and conducted a traffic stop. Inside the vehicle was a passenger, Tiawanna, who clearly stated the U-Haul was hers, and the other person was only driving for her because she didn’t have a license. The driver was arrested on a separate and unrelated outstanding warrant. Tiawanna presented a rental agreement from early June, which was consistent with the stolen vehicle report.

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Robert Hernandez can’t pay $1800 bar tab at Layer Cake; assaults bouncer

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative Saturday encountered 29-year-old Robert Hernandez who was unable to pay his $1,807.78 bar tab at Layer Cake on 3rd Ave. South and became belligerent when his card continued to be declined. Security stated they asked him to leave the establishment and he attempted to throw punches and landed one on a bouncer’s arm. Hernandez was charged with theft of services and public intoxication.

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Broadway brawl ends after long struggle; woman spits on 4 MNPD Officers

Eryanna Giles says she was walking on the sidewalk in front of Nudie’s on Broadway when 22-year-old Shawntranise Waller suddenly punched her and pushed her out of the way. A large brawl then broke out, and 22-year-old Roneqwua Hayes and 21-year-old Janeshia Leggs both joined in the fight. Leggs and Hayes were quickly apprehended by nearby officers who observed the fight, however, as they approached Waller to take her into custody she began to resist and fight the Metro Nashville Police Officers. It took nearly a half-dozen officers 5-7 minutes to get her into custody, according to their own report. She spit on 4 officers during the battle, including Arnold Ricket, Michael Waltz, Robert Leverick, and Lucas Thomas.. Once they put shackles on her and got her into the rear of a transport vehicle she stated “I am sorry for spitting on you; at least I don’t have HIV”.

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Nashville Nurse Catherine Sowell begs to not be charged in DUI crash because she “saves lives as a nurse”

MNPD Officer Lucas Thomas says Registered Nurse Catherine Sowell begged to not be charged with a crime after she crashed into a semi-truck and then a retaining wall Saturday afternoon because she was “saving lives as a nurse” and she could lose that job if she were to be arrested for her own DUI crash. He explained to her that she could be the one harming someone by drinking and driving — to which she stated “I hope you don’t have any family in the medical field” and “I would feel more remorseful if he was hurt but I literally hugged the other driver”. She continued to lie about how many drinks she had and where she came from, changing her story each time she was asked.

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One man, two cups, while driving: Thomas Hardin explains one cup is red wine, the other is white wine — DUI

When police asked 64-year-old Thomas Hardin why he had two different cups of wine in his cupholders, with varying amounts missing from each, he succinctly explained that one was for his red wine, and one for his white wine, both of which he was drinking behind the wheel of his vehicle Thursday night. Police were responding to a vehicle vs. pedestrian call when they located Hardin behind the wheel, obviously intoxicated. He stated “I can’t do this” during field sobriety tests, and also admitted to drinking at a venue prior to driving, too.

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Bullied man rescued from Broadway, jailed for public intoxication — Jarred Bredesen

Metro Nashville Police responded to a fight on Broadway late Saturday night, but the victim could not be located. As they were in the area, they came into contact with 23-year-old Jarred Bredesen who they say was highly intoxicated and could barely stand without assistance. He was yelling at citizens who were walking by, stating that he was mad he had been bullied all of his life. Officers offered him a ride home, noting that Broadway probably wasn’t a safe place for him in his current state, however, he refused to get in the cruiser to be taken home. Due to the annoyance he was causing and his extreme level of intoxication, he still ended up in the back of the car anyway, but now he was handcuffed and charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.

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Nashville man charged with slapping ex-boyfriend in face, kicking him in stomach

35-year-old Stephen L. Gill is charged with the domestic assault of his ex-boyfriend, who is also a roommate, after police say his current boyfriend locked the ex-boyfriend out of the house, and when Gill went to unlock the door, he smacked the ex-boyfriend in the face and kicked him in the stomach.

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