TSU Football’s Devon Starling has ‘fling’ with FB Director Ariel Escobar, who rams his car

TSU Football Star Devon Starling called police to report his “ex-fling”, 22-year-old Ariel Escobar, the Director of Football Operations & On-Campus Recruiting, was sitting in her car at his apartment at 2:30 a.m. as he arrived home with his girlfriend, Mia Kanu. The couple told Escobar she needed to leave the property, a request she refused. The couple attempted to drive around Escobar’s vehicle to leave the situation, but Escobar followed them as they pulled into a nearby parking lot. Escobar then blocked their vehicle from leaving and then drove into their vehicle with them still inside.

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Ronaldo Morris charged in assault of alleged lover who says he saw him with a woman

Police arrived at the South Nashville apartment of 20-year-old Ronaldo Morris and Jason Tyrese Daley in the early hours of Sunday morning to a report of the two fighting. Daley told police the two are lovers and in a dating relationship; however, Morris denied that and said the two are simply just roommates. Daley stated they got into an argument in his bedroom after he saw Morris with a woman. The argument escalated when Morris reportedly pushed Daley in the face and scratched him on the hands and neck. A video recording captured the incident and shows the victim backing away while Morris assaults him multiple times. and officers documented a cut on the victim’s lip, hand, and neck.

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Tennessee TikTok lovers duel it out during dirty breakup — Giovanna Dalessandro & Avery Holt

A Tennessee TikTok duo with around 5 million combined fans across their platforms each found themselves in a Clarksville, TN, jail this week, only hours apart. The former lovers, 21-year-old Giovanna Linda Marie Dalessandro & 20-year-old Avery Noverra Holt, who lived together at Kirkwood Place, recently broke up, and ‘Gio’ returned to Texas. This week Gio returned with a posse that included his mother and a diva with alleged brass knuckles to retrieve some of his belongings, and things quickly escalated, landing three people in jail after police say Gio brandished a handgun and Gio’s mother says she was assault by Avery.

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Steven Cole assaults ex-lover with a candle after she attacks him with hot rice

32-year-old Steven Cole was jailed Thursday on an outstanding warrant charging him with felony aggravated assault. His former roommate and lover, Laquisha Lacy, contacted police on May 12th to report a food fight turned felony incident that occurred two weeks prior, on April 27th. She says the two were having a verbal argument when he left the shared apartment and tried to come back inside, at which time he tossed things around the home. Lacy states she threw hot rice on Steven Cole. In retaliation, Cole admits he threw a candle at Lacy, striking her in the head. She had to be transported to the hospital for her injuries and required eight stitches to close the gash on her forehead.

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Man walks in on girlfriend entangled with a naked man — Francisco Alvarez IV, arrested

23-year-old Francisco Alvarez IV is free on a $10,000 bond after police say he walked in on his girlfriend, Fatemah Harvey, having sex with another man at their apartment. Neighbors called the police due to the screaming coming from the apartment once Alvarez returned home. Fatemah says she and the other man were naked in the throes of passion when Alvarez returned home and began fighting her paramour. As she attempted to break up the fight, he reportedly grabbed her by the throat and pressed her against the wall, causing her to be unable to breathe. She says he also struck her in the face, leaving her bloody and unable to feel her nose.

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Jordan Durham charged in assault of her boyfriend during knock-down-drag-out

25-year-old Jordan Durham is charged with the domestic assault of her boyfriend, Anthony Keith Phillips, after she says she was attempting to stop him from moving her items out of their shared apartment and caused an injury to his right arm. Both parties agreed that he pushed her away, striking her in the mouth in response, and she claims she was strangled and slammed into the wall. After an investigation by responding officers, Durham was determined to be the primary aggressor due to the severity of the injury, and both parties agreed that she initiated the physical contact.

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Woman charged in face-punching assault of her boyfriend in downtown Nashville — Kally Dobak

25-year-old Kally Sue Dobak was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Sunday on a warrant charging her with the domestic assault of her boyfriend, Zain Sheikh. He says he came by their apartment to grab a toothbrush and was punched twice in the face. Officers viewed the security video and issued a warrant for Dobak’s arrest.

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Pulaski man charged with brutal assault of girlfriend in downtown hotel $25K bond — Harry Brandon Russell

32-year-old Harry Brandon Russell, of Pulaski, is charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation after police say grabbed his girlfriend, Shelbey Ebersole, inside a room of the downtown Holiday Inn Express in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day. The victim’s brother eventually had to pull Russell off of her after he slammed her into the wall of a bathroom and used both his hands to strangle her until she was unable to breathe and could no longer call for help.

The argument reportedly started after he felt she came back to the room late and wasn’t answering her phone. Russell is free on a $25,000 bond.

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Man punches ex-girlfriend in face when returning her video games post-breakup — Brandon Pickett

20-year-old Brandon Pickett was booked into jail Friday on an outstanding warrant charging him with domestic assault and vandalism. Witnesses confirm that while returning video games to this ex-girlfriend, Madison Danielle Lujan, after the breakup, he became angry and punched her vehicle, then her arm, then her face. He is free on a $2,000 bond.

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23-year-old charged when actual “Netflix & Chill” goes wrong with ex-girlfriend — Roberto Herrera

23-year-old Roberto Herrera is charged with sexual battery and is free on a $5,000 bond. Police say he came to the home of his ex-girlfriend and requested to come in and “watch a movie”, which she agreed to, but told him she had a new boyfriend, and nothing “sexual” could happen. At some point during the Netflix he decided to chill and laid his head in her lap, and pulled her closer to him when she attempted to get up. She told him she would call 911 if he didn’t stop, however, he then went to her bedroom and got into her bed, where she says he forcefully kissed her and rubbed her. Court records show she told him to leave, and he replied “I understand you don’t want meq, I will leave now”, and left the apartment. The victim says she felt unsafe, even after he left, and then called police.

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Judges Order Community Bail Fund to CEASE OPERATIONS amid flood of forfeits; security scandal.

Nashville Community Bail Fund ordered to cease operations. Fund has 41 conditional forfeits, totaling over $104,000.00, with zero effort to return offenders to court.

Bail Fund Manager Rahim Buford served 26 years in prison for a murder he committed during an armed robbery at 19, was given a metro government access card by former Public Defender, is alleged to have accessed secure areas without searches, & more..

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After 100’s of calls, ex-girlfriend scratches ‘my heart cannot take this damage’ onto his front door

22-year-old Morgan Jenkins was booked into a Nashville jail at 2:04 a.m. Sunday morning on warrants charging her with vandalism and harassment from a 2018 incident during which police say she called her ex-boyfriend more than 151 times in a single day, then scratched “my heart cannot take this damage” into his front door.

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