“Some weed, coke, vodka, & lean”, says William Evans when asked if he’s ingested any drugs today

“Some weed, some coke, some vodka, and some lean…” that was the response of 25-year-old William Evans when police ask if he was on any drugs when they found him pulling on door handles and running through back yards, noting he had extremely chapped and foamy lips. He was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking, where the charge was later dismissed.⠀

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Two more charged with passing fake prescription for ‘Sizzurp’ at Nashville Pharmacy

There’s now been four arrests of people with charges related to counterfeit prescriptions for Promethazine/Codeine, the primary ingredient in ‘sizzurp’, also known as ‘lean’, or ‘purple drank’. The latest pair arrested are Miguel Buckner & James Jenkins, Jr.

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Pair arrested for passing forged prescription for ‘Sizzurp’ main ingredient at Nashville pharmacy

Metro Police were called to a Nashville pharmacy on Tuesday, after a pharmacist received a fake prescription for Promethazine/Codeine, the primary ingredient in ‘sizzurp’, also known as ‘lean’, or ‘purple drank’, The only thing they’ll likely be sipping on in jail is generic Kool-aid.

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