Austin Shearon “cried and yelled” after being arrested in front of Layer Cake in Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say 21-year-old Austin Shearon alternated between crying and yelling after he was arrested in front of Layer Cake in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative encountered Shearon, a tourist from Iowa, after he was “flailing about” while yelling at people and being overall disorderly to others in the area. Police say he reeked of vomit and alcohol and just repeated himself throughout the entire interaction.

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Robert Hernandez can’t pay $1800 bar tab at Layer Cake; assaults bouncer

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative Saturday encountered 29-year-old Robert Hernandez who was unable to pay his $1,807.78 bar tab at Layer Cake on 3rd Ave. South and became belligerent when his card continued to be declined. Security stated they asked him to leave the establishment and he attempted to throw punches and landed one on a bouncer’s arm. Hernandez was charged with theft of services and public intoxication.

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