DUI: The man passed out behind the wheel of his Tesla would like his lawyer — Jeff Halm

Metro Nashville Police say they found 34-year-old Jeffrey Halm passed out behind the wheel of his Tesla at the corner of Gallatin Ave. & Eastland Ave. in the early hours of Monday morning. It took multiple attempts to get Halm alert and awake, at which time he became hesitant to exit the vehicle. He reportedly swayed back and forth and answered every question with “I want my lawyer”, over and over again. Police located an unopened bottle of beer in the cupholder.

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Nashville lawyer Rachel E. Taylor charged with DUI after I-40 crash, blows 0.151 BAC

32-year-old Nashville corporate healthcare attorney Rachel E. Taylor blew nearly double the legal limit, a 0.151 BAC, after a crash on I-40 late Wednesday night. She reportedly told officers she was attempting to follow the directions from her GPS when a vehicle cut her off and she over-corrected, causing her to lose control and crash into a guard rail. She is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Nashville lawyer found drunk & disorderly in McDonald’s Drive-thru – blows .226

50-year-old Nashville Lawyer Benjamin Ashley Hodges was found in a South Nashville drive-thru just after 2:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, according to police. He was reportedly in a Toyota Yaris, hanging out of the driver’s side window yelling at the vehicle behind him in line. He would eventually blow a .226 on a breath test.

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Nashville Lawyer Kidnapped from Green Hills Residence & Robbed at Gunpoint

IDENTIFIED: Orlando Harris Jr., 21, and Deion Glover, 19. Armed with guns, they demanded money and attempted to take the lawyer’s car, but did not know how to drive one with a manual transmission, so they kidnapped him and took him to an ATM in their vehicle.

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