Drunk downtown tourist Thomas Noble believes he’s in 2023 Las Vegas

37-year-old Thomas Noble was staying at the Double Tree Hotel in downtown Nashville Tuesday night. The hotel he returned to after a night of downtown drinking, however, was the Omni Hotel, just south of Broadway and about a 15-minute walk away. Hotel staff says Noble had been at their hotel lobby for “several hours,” during which they kept attempting to return him to his proper hotel. They eventually arranged for a taxi to take him to the Double Tree, but when it arrived, he refused to get inside. Police eventually had to be called and say Noble was extremely intoxicated and believed it was 2023 and that he was in Nevada. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Las Vegas man pushes officer, resists arrest, at Jason Aldean’s Bar — John Purciful arrested

Metro Nashville Police were responding to a fight at Jason Aldean’s bar in downtown Nashville. As officers were attempting to separate involved parties, 42-year-old John Elliot Purciful of Las Vegas began to interrupt and interfere with officers taking one of the parties into custody. He was pushing his way into the officer’s workspace and refused guided attempts at moving out of the way. Purciful eventually pushed an officer and resisted when officers attempted to detain him.

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