Deadreicka Miller taps David Taylor with knife after disparaging his dead relative

David Taylor says 23-year-old Deadreicka Miller made a disparaging remake about one of his dead relatives on February 8. As the argument heated up, Miller reportedly pick up a knife and threatened Taylor. She then tapped the blade on his leg, putting him in fear of bodily injury. A Witness observed the assault. Miller had been staying with Taylor for just a month prior to the incident. She says that Taylor said something about her ex initially, causing her to respond about his dead relative. She is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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DUI: Mark Newman found asleep behind the wheel at an intersection in Antioch

Metro Nashville Police located 40-year-old Mark Newman asleep behind the wheel of his vehicle at the intersection of Murfreesboro Pike and Bell Road just before 1 a.m. Wednesday, where he had been for at least 20 minutes, according to calls from witnesses. The white Chevy Silverado was in drive, and Newman’s foot was on the brake. NFD medics woke Newman up, and he admitted to consuming “4-5 beers” at a bar prior to driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI.

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Talia Payne charged in attack of her sister during family intervention in Nashville

Cardaja Payne called police to report she went to her mother’s home to pick up her children, and as she approached the driveway she was approached by her sister, 22-year-old Talia Payne. Alongside Talia was her father, Carson Payne, her children’s father, Austin Martin, and her other sister, Amaya Payne. It was an intervention of sorts, as the group accosted her for being late to pick up her children, yelling and screaming at her, some of them calling her a “dead-beat parent” among other names. Talia reportedly first physically assaulted her in the head and then her own father, Carson, held her to the ground while Talia continued to throw strikes at her, and then Amaya reportedly joined in on the assault. She says her children’s father, Austin, then picked her up and slung her to the ground multiple times before getting on top of her and strangling her. Officers documented multiple bruises and injuries and collected matching witness statements. Payne is the first of the group to be booked on charges.

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