DUI: ICU nurse blows double legal limit after falling asleep in line at Krystal drive-thru— Jazmen Flowers

25-year-old Cardiovascular ICU Travel Nurse Jazmen Flowers was found drunk and asleep behind the wheel of her vehicle at a Krystal’s drive-thru in the early hours of Saturday morning. Police say they approached her vehicle in the line after being notified her the situation, and she ‘lurched’ the vehicle several feet forward as they woke her. She reportedly reeked of alcohol and admitted to drinking vodka & cranberry drinks earlier in the evening. She was charged with DUI and transported to booking, where she blew a 0.17 BAC just over double the legal limit. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Woman locates her boyfriend at Krystal’s drive-thru with his other girlfriend, rams her car

25-year-old Tess Tomes is charged with felony aggravated assault and felony reckless endangerment after she found her boyfriend at a local drive-thru, and as she prepared to follow him home – so did his other girlfriend, Brandi Adams, who was in line behind him. She’s accused of ramming the other girl’s car. Tomes’ two children were in the car with her during the assault.

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Nashville teen arrested after blowing smoke in officer’s face & being belligerent

19-year-old John’a S. Foxx was charged with disorderly conduct after brawling another female in a parking lot near Dickerson Pike Sunday Morning. Officers say she blew smoke in their face and tried to run away when approached.

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