DUI: Cameron Sathngam crashes into stranger’s car & garage — blows .241% BAC

30-year-old Cameron Sathngam drove his 2006 Nissan Maxima into a stranger’s driveway at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, striking their parked vehicle and colliding with their garage door. Officers arrived and noted his extreme level of intoxication. Cameron stated, “I just hit the car,” but could not recall any events that led up to the crash. He attempted to hand officers his credit card when asked for his proof of insurance. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and blew a 0.241% BAC on a breathalyzer — more than triple the legal limit.

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Bridgett Eakin whipped her girlfriend with keyboard cord during argument, per report

Michaela Richardson told police her girlfriend, 28-year-old Bridgett Nicole Eakin, whipped her on the hip/thigh area with a keyboard cord while yelling “get the fuck over it” as the two were arguing late Tuesday night. Richardson had just returned from the store to find Eaken upset and throwing things in the apartment. Eakin reportedly said she’d break her own things if she wanted and took a computer keyboard and began smashing it along the wall in the hall. When Eakin demanded she stop, she reportedly grabbed the attached cord and whipped her girlfriend with it. Eakin told police she didn’t hit the victim on purpose but did leave a visible injury.

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Man robs his mother of her tax refund with a gun to her head

24-year-old Austin Travis Pulley is charged with felony aggravated robbery after he held a gun to his mother’s head and demanded her H&R Block tax refund card. When she didn’t oblige, he struck her on the right side of her face, took the card from her wallet, and fled the residence.

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