Randal Young charged in strangulation of girlfriend during Nashville Trip at Moxy Hotel

57-year-old Randal Scot Young is charged with the aggravated assault and strangulation of his girlfriend, Andrea Boucher, during their trip to Nashville this weekend. Metro Nashville Police responded to the Moxy Motel late Friday night and spoke with Andrea, who stated the couple had been out drinking on Broadway in the Entertainment District downtown. As they returned to their hotel room for the evening an argument began and she says Randal placed both hands around her next and strangled her for several seconds until she had difficulty breathing. She bites him during the struggle in an attempt to break free, and when officers arrived, she has bruising around her next and behind her ears, swelling and scratches on her arm, and blood in her mouth.

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Tourist Weston Porter arrested in Nashville after being drunk & disorderly downtown

22-Weston Porter was outside of Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville late Friday night as he approached Metro Nashville Police officers working in the area and shoulder-checked them while telling them there was a fight in the area. He bumped into the elbows and shoulders of multiple officers while causing a disturbance among the general public in the area. The only person attempting to fight in the area was Porter. Officers advised him to move along and go home, but Porter refused and continued to be drunk and disorderly. As police explained he was being taken into custody for public intoxication, Porter pulled away and resisted arrest. Once in custody, Porter repeatedly asked why he was cuffed, if it was illegal to be drunk in Nashville on a Friday night, and stated that he had been drinking beer.

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Charles Michael Graham Jr. charged with sexual battery of female roommate during a massage

35-year-old Charles Michael Graham Jr., a Librarian Assistant at Fisk University, is charged with the sexual battery of his female roommate, who says he touched her sexual areas without consent and became aroused during a massage. Heaven Pryor told police Graham, who is her roommate, offered to give her a massage, and she accepted. She says she told him she was “gay as f–k”, and was not into him in any sexual way. She says Graham moved from her back to her buttocks and then to her pubic area and other parts of her body, each time with her having to tell him to stop. She states he also stopped multiple times due to getting aroused. He is free on a $2,000 bond.

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