Police report alleges Jack Zuckowsky slapped girlfriend across the face on a boat this summer

In reports filed with both the Metro Nashville Police and the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office, an ex-girlfriend of Jack Zuckowsky says she was assaulted by him while on a pontoon boat this summer at Two Foot Cove. She says Jack smacked her with an open hand across the left side of her face, knocking her to the ground. According to the incident report, a group of friends was having a social gathering on the boat, horseplaying around, and Jack pushed her into the water in what she thought was a playful manner. She pulled at his swim trunks in return, also in a playful manner. Jack reportedly suddenly became aggressive while screaming and yelling profanities as he assaulted her. Officers spoke with multiple witnesses who confirmed the incident.

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Layer Cake says Jack Zuckowsky is extorting them for $6,000 after taking their Instagram account

One of downtown Nashville’s hottest new concepts, Layer Cake, says downtown resident and already frequent customer, Jack Zuckowsky, is extorting the business for $6,000. #HowdItHappen? They kicked him out for being rowdy, and he took down their Instagram and social media accounts in retaliation. Text messages from the debauchee reveal he offered to restore access to their social media accounts in exchange for a $6,000 rooftop table package. The sweet details are inside…

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