Hillary Lynette Lyles jailed after an outburst when staff wouldn’t let her use the men’s restroom

Security at Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa in downtown Nashville say 29-year-old Hillary Lynette Lyles became aggressive toward them and began to swing at them when they prevented her from using the men’s restroom. Police quickly arrived and located Lyles in the elevator of the venue, which she refused to exit. She was loudly yelling and cursing, and when police attempted to take her into custody for disorderly conduct she grabbed the cuffs in an effort to not be cuffed. She screamed the entire way out of the bar, continuing to be a disturbance. She stated she had been drinking prior to her arrest.

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‘Brother Jones’ says he wasn’t violent, but new video shows he was – and the Grand Jury agrees

Protestor Justin Jones (“Brother Jones”) was given two weeks to turn himself in on a Grand Jury Indictment, which charges him with two counts of reckless endangerment after he is seen on video repeatedly pushing a traffic cone into the cab of a vehicle, striking the person inside, and causing a danger to both the driver and the nearby public.

Jones claims this is a ‘false narrative’, and says he wasn’t violent. Here’s the video.

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